The court-supervised reorganization of corporations introduced by Law 11101/05 (the Brazilian Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law - "LRF" in the Portuguese acronym) arose as one of the changes needed to lower credit risk and achieve greater reductions in interests accrued on financial loans. However, little has been said about the fact that the LRF has introduced several capital market protection mechanisms, which we will discuss in this article.
Direito processual civil e tributário. Execução fiscal ajuizada contra pessoa jurídica falida. Recurso repetitivo (art. 543-C do CPC e Res 8/2008 - STJ)
A constatação posterior ao ajuizamento da execução fiscal de que a pessoa jurídica executada tivera sua falência decretada antes da propositura da ação executiva não implica a extinção do processo sem resolução de mérito.Recurso Especial 1.372.243
O Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (TJ-SP) negou pedido da Mabe para manutenção de duas cláusulas do seu plano de recuperação judicial. Os desembargadores da 1ª Câmara Reservada de Direito Empresarial entenderam que os dispositivos dariam "superpoderes" à assembleia de credores. A fabricante de eletrodomésticos vai recorrer da decisão.
O Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo (TJ-SP) manteve a obrigação do Fundo Garantidor de Créditos (FGC) de restituir a dois clientes do extinto Banco BVA os valores de R$ 10 mil e R$ 94,5 mil, respectivamente. A Corte, porém, entendeu não ser devido danos morais. A decisão, da 37ª Câmara Direito Privado, reformou parte da sentença da 4ª Vara Cível do Foro Regional de Pinheiros, que havia fixado uma indenização de R$ 15 mil para cada um deles.
Although in some jurisdictions arbitration is a long-established form of alternative dispute resolution, this mechanism has only recently been regulated in Brazil. The Brazilian Commercial Code, enacted in 1850, already included a few sparse provisions regarding commercial arbitration, but there were no references to specific rules. It was not until 1996 that Brazil passed its first specific arbitration statute, Law No. 9,307/96 (Arbitration Law).
The Superior Court of Justice (Superior Tribunal de Justiça - STJ) judged Direct Appeal n. 1.223.792 where the State of Mato Grosso do Sul sought to include the delay penalty in the classification of the credits in the bankruptcy of a company. According to the opinion announced by the Second Panel, in the case of bankruptcy declared during the validity term of Law n.
On 06.11.2013, the 1st Panel of 3rd Chamber of 1st Judgment Section of Federal Administrative Tax Court granted relief to the Voluntary Appeal filed by Banco GMAC S/A, recognizing the use of a tax benefit for the amortization of goodwill originated from the corporate restructuring of GM Group.
Tax authorities claimed that the GM Group had used a vehicle company and that the corporate operations lacked business purpose, so the goodwill was created inside the group by an inverted merger.
Restructurings, especially those involving multiple jurisdictions, are invariably complex matters. This CMS Expert Guide provides an overview of the various restructuring possibilities available in a large number of countries, allowing you to compare how the options are deployed in these jurisdictions.
We intend to update it periodically to reflect important changes as they happen.
If you need more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Updated: Ireland, Israel
We take a look at some of the recent emergency legislation and measures implemented by various nations around the world in response to COVID-19. As this is a rapidly developing crisis, please ensure you keep a close eye on the Lexology Coronavirus hub page for the most up-to-date information.
Avec la promulgation de la loi n° 14.112/2020 entrée en vigueur le 23 janvier 2021, le Brésil adopte la loi type de la Commissions des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International (« CNUDCI ») sur l’insolvabilité internationale de 1997 (la « Loi Type »), devenant ainsi le 49ème Etat à le faire.