Il nuovo articolo di Angelo Zambelli pubblicato oggi nel supplemento: “Crisi d’Impresa, il correttivo” de Il Sole 24 Ore


Con sentenza n. 4168 del 15 febbraio 2024, la Corte di Cassazione ha affermato che appare senz’altro idonea a giustificare l’eccezione di inadempimento e a paralizzare il diritto al compenso del professionista la condotta  antigiuridica  dell’organo  sindacale che, in un’operazione di fusione societaria che ha prodotto un rilevante danno per la società incorporante, abbia omesso di verificare la situazione patrimoniale ed economica della società che si andava ad incorporare, anche mediante richiesta di documentazione.


The European legislator intends to harmonise the avoidance actions in the member states. Italy, however, already has comprehensive legislation in place that covers this issue.

European legal framework for insolvency


By Order no. 35527 of 19 December 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled on the dismissal of a working mother ordered as a result of the cessation of the employer’s business activity following a declaration of bankruptcy, holding it to be void and ordering the employer to reinstate the employee and pay financial compensation.

The facts of the case


On 30 October 2023, the Italian Supreme Court issued its judgment in case No. 29998/2023 detailing certain principles applicable to the claw back of remittances on bank accounts and to the ineffectiveness of financial guarantees granted under Legislative Decree No. 170 of 21 May 2004 (the “Legislative Decree”) in case of bankruptcy. In particular, (a) on the one hand, the Italian Supreme Court confirmed that a bank remittance cannot be clawed back when it does not reduce the outstanding debt of the bankrupt account holder durably (i.e.


On 29 April 2024, the Italian Supreme Court issued its judgment in case No. 11357, ruling on the right of usufruct on the quotas of a limited liability company in voluntary liquidation.


The new Italian Insolvency Code came into effect on 15 July 2022, effectively changing the status quo by attempting to resolve the financial distress of companies and minimise damage through restructuring outstanding debt. The code makes restructuring frameworks the first measure to help debtors restructure their debt to prevent further insolvency and liquidation. More importantly, it is a break from the status quo in insolvency law whereby maximising a creditor’s return is of the utmost importance. Instead, preserving the company as a going concern becomes a protected value.


The events in the last few years have had significant and lasting impacts on business in general and restructuring in particular, with the latter referring to the various options available for firms experiencing difficulties. European economies, hit by both the upheavals caused by the health crisis and geopolitical tensions, have also been a