As the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to spread across the globe, people and businesses are facing unprecedented challenges, both immediate and strategic. Governments in various jurisdictions have announced various measures to try to alleviate the distress caused by the numerous issues that have arisen and continue to arise, particularly around cashflow and employees.
Updates marked with *
Updated: Ireland, Israel
We take a look at some of the recent emergency legislation and measures implemented by various nations around the world in response to COVID-19. As this is a rapidly developing crisis, please ensure you keep a close eye on the Lexology Coronavirus hub page for the most up-to-date information.
1. Incorporation, corporate power, capacity and authorization of an Italian company
In connection with the capacity and authorization of an Italian company to enter into ISDA or GMRA master agreements, a Italian lawyer must check and control the copies of the accessible and public records of the company, the Registration Statement, the Company Statute and the Company bylaws, with regard to the prospective negotiation of any new Master netting Agreement.
This examination of available documentation is necessary and opportune in order to verify
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Federico Zucconi, partner del dipartimento Finance, Projects & Restructuring, analizza gli effetti della normativa di emergenza volta ad agevolare l’accesso a nuova finanza da parte delle imprese, evidenziando le zone d’ombra rimaste nella disciplina anche dopo la conversione in legge del Decreto Liquidità.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly reshaped the global business landscape. Some companies that only months ago seemed unstoppably profitable have been brought to an existential brink by extended lockdowns, supply chain failures, and other obstacles caused by the pandemic. Other companies who have experienced less disruption (or in some cases windfalls) stand at the threshold of opportunity even as they prepare themselves for the challenges of the 'new normal'.
L’art. 1 del cd. Decreto Liquidità prevede come noto la possibilità per imprese di ogni dimensione di accedere a finanziamenti bancari assistiti in misura variabile da garanzia prestata da SACE.
Nel suo articolato, la norma si riferisce alla “impresa beneficiaria” quale destinataria del finanziamento; sono tuttavia numerosi i riferimenti al gruppo di appartenenza di tale impresa, principalmente ai fini del calcolo dei parametri ma anche in relazione ad obblighi (ad esempio l’impegno a non deliberare la distribuzione di dividendi deve riguardare tutte le società del gruppo).
1) Premise.
Italian Law Decree no. 83 of 27 June 2015, converted with amendments by Italian Law no. 132 of 6 August 2015, introduced an important amendment within the context of transfers or sales carried out while composition with creditors proceedings is pending, by adding art. 163 bis to the Italian Bankruptcy Law (“BL”), titled "Competing Offers". The rationale of such measure, made clear by the legislator itself in the report accompanying the conversion bill, is twofold:
(i) maximize the recovery prospects of the composition creditors;
1) Premessa.
Il D.L. 27 giugno 2015 n. 83, convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge 6 agosto 2015, n. 132, ha introdotto un importante correttivo in materia di atti dismissivi compiuti in costanza di concordato preventivo, mediante l’inserimento dell’art. 163 bis L.F. (rubricato “Offerte concorrenti”). La ratio dell’intervento normativo, dichiarata dallo stesso legislatore nella relazione d’accompagnamento al disegno di legge di conversione, è duplice:
(i) massimizzare la prospettiva di recovery dei creditori concordatari;
In this blog we examine the economic impact of Covid-19 on the Italian economy, through an analysis of economic data relating to the lockdown period from February to May 2020, an assessment of the impact of the Italian government’s measures, and a view on what the future might look like for the Italian economy.
How Has Covid-19 Impacted the Italian Economy?