Vietnam’s political system is currently undergoing a significant reorganization to streamline government operations and improve efficiency. In this regard, Plan 141/KH-BCDTKNQ18, issued on December 6, 2024, provided guidelines on the restructuring of existing ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and government-affiliated agencies. Accordingly, the number of ministries is being reduced from 18 to 14 through mergers and consolidations and the establishment of a new Ministry of Ethnic and Religious Affairs.
このたび、森・濱田松本法律事務所アジアプラクティスグループでは、東南・南アジ ア各国のリーガルニュースを集めたニュースレター、MHM Asian Legal Insights第167 号(2024 年 9 月号)を作成いたしました。今後の皆様の東南・南アジアにおける業務 展開の一助となれば幸いに存じます。 ※本レターに記載した円建て表記は、ご参照のために、各現地通貨を現在の為替レー トで換算したものとなります。 1. タイ: 個人情報保護法(PDPA)施行以来、初の行政罰が適用され た注目事例 タイの個人情報保護委員会(Personal Data Protection Committee:「PDPC」)は、2024 年 8 月 21 日、タイ個人情報保護法(Personal Data Protection Act:「PDPA」)の違反に よる初の行政罰を科したことを発表しました。PDPA の違反による行政罰の実際の適用 は、PDPA が 2022 年に全面的に施行されて以来初めての事例となり、現地でも注目さ れています。 PDPA の違反による初の行政罰の適用事例(「本件」)は、オンライン通販事業を行う 現地企業(「本企業」)から、詐欺的な Scam Call を行う詐欺グループに、大量の個人情 報が流出したという事例です。 01/06 MONTHLY LEGAL UPDATE AUGUST 2024 I. OVERVIEW In August 2024, the Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”) continued to develop the country’s business regulatory environment. Below are some key regulations to be highlighted in this Monthly Legal Update: Sub-decree No. 194 on the Organization and Functioning of the National Committee on Trade Remedies; Prakas No. 044 on Rules and Guidelines for Reinsurance; Prakas No. 525 on the Abrogation of Prakas No.
As ever, ‘back to school’ and the shift into Autumn provides an opportunity to reflect on the state of play in the UK economy. For the last few years – thanks in no small part to factors outside of their influence – September has been a time when clients have been seeking a lighthouse via which to avoid the rocks.
British universities facing financial challenges and shifting enrollment patterns are considering restructuring plans in light of potential insolvencies.
Ever since unpaid taxes due to HMRC were “crammed down” pursuant to a restructuring plan that it voted against but did not actively oppose in Houst,1 HMRC has challenged restructuring plans and asserted its interests more aggressively, causing the failure of restructuring plans inNasmyth
In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode.
Hoge Raad: regeling proceskostenvergoeding voor fiscale bezwaarprocedures mogelijk in strijd met discriminatieverbod (art. 1 Grondwet)
Throughout the year, we have been keeping you up to date on noteworthy developments across the region with our Regional Round-up Publications. As we enter 2024, we are pleased to share with you our 2023 year-in-review of the Regional Round-up for our Regional Offices in the Rajah & Tann Asia network.
율촌 입법 위클리는 한 주간의 입법 및 정책 동향 중 특히 기업의 규제 대응 담당자 및 의사결정권자들 이 주목해야 할 동향만을 선별하여 담은 주간 리포트입니다. 이번 호는 지난 12월 20일과 21일 국회 본회의에서 의결된 예산안과 주요 법률안을 담고 있습니다. 지난 주 국회 본회의에서는 「2024년도 예산안」 및 「2024년도 기금운용계획안」과 「소득세법 일부개정 법률안」 등 세입예산안 부수 법률안 등이 의결되었습니다. 국회가 수정 의결한 2024년도 예산안 및 기 금운용계획안은 정부안 656조 9천억원(총지출 기준) 대비 약 4조 2천억원을 감액, 약 3조 9천억원을 증액해 전체적으로는 약 3천억원 순감액되었습니다. 또한 개인금융채무자의 연체이자 부담을 낮춰주는 「개인금융채권의 관리 및 개인금융채무자의 보호에 관한 법률안」, 첨단산업 분야 인재양성을 지원하는 「첨단산업 인재혁신 특별법안」, 전기통신서비스의 안정성을 제고하는 「전기통신사업법 일부개정법률안」, 성범죄·강력범죄 등의 전력자의 배달대행기사 취업을 제한하는 「생활물류서비스산업발전법 일부개정법률안」 등 총 145건의 법률안이 의결되었습니 다.
City Hall
City Council Passes Dozens of Bills, Resolutions During Last Meeting of 2023 Session