We are happy to present the tenth issue of our e-magazine – Trilegal Quarterly Roundup.
This issue features:
• Intellectual Property Diligences from an Insolvency Lens
• A Roadmap for 100% Biomass-based Energy Solutions
율촌 입법 위클리는 한 주간의 입법 및 정책 동향 중 특히 기업의 규제 대응 담당자 및 의사결정권자들 이 주목해야 할 동향만을 선별하여 담은 주간 리포트입니다. 이번 호는 지난 12월 20일과 21일 국회 본회의에서 의결된 예산안과 주요 법률안을 담고 있습니다. 지난 주 국회 본회의에서는 「2024년도 예산안」 및 「2024년도 기금운용계획안」과 「소득세법 일부개정 법률안」 등 세입예산안 부수 법률안 등이 의결되었습니다. 국회가 수정 의결한 2024년도 예산안 및 기 금운용계획안은 정부안 656조 9천억원(총지출 기준) 대비 약 4조 2천억원을 감액, 약 3조 9천억원을 증액해 전체적으로는 약 3천억원 순감액되었습니다. 또한 개인금융채무자의 연체이자 부담을 낮춰주는 「개인금융채권의 관리 및 개인금융채무자의 보호에 관한 법률안」, 첨단산업 분야 인재양성을 지원하는 「첨단산업 인재혁신 특별법안」, 전기통신서비스의 안정성을 제고하는 「전기통신사업법 일부개정법률안」, 성범죄·강력범죄 등의 전력자의 배달대행기사 취업을 제한하는 「생활물류서비스산업발전법 일부개정법률안」 등 총 145건의 법률안이 의결되었습니 다.
This week, the Ninth Circuit addresses whether text messages can violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act’s prohibition on “prerecorded voice” messages, and it considers whether debtors who paid statutory fees under an unconstitutionally nonuniform bankruptcy provision are entitled to a refund.
The Department of Telecommunications is seeking to overhaul the law governing the provision of telecommunication services through the Draft Telecommunication Bill, 2022. The Bill also seeks to govern the provision of telecom services and, or, availability of network during insolvency proceedings in respect of a telecom licensee or assignee. While the DoT’s rationale for this is understandable, the proposed provisions may conflict with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) and the Outlook in India
El Tribunal Supremo confirma la negativa del Registrador Mercantil a inscribir la renuncia del administrador único por no atender la solicitud de presencia de un notario en la junta general en la que se nombra al nuevo administrador, realizada por un socio con posterioridad a la renuncia del administrador, pero antes de la celebración de la junta.
2 | Referencias Jurídicas CMS | Septiembre 2022
Referencias Jurídicas CMS
Post jurídicos
The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has on 21 September 2022 released the Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022 (Bill) which consolidates and amends the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act 1933, and The Telegraph Wires, (Unlawful Protection) Act 1950. In Chapter 5 (Restructuring, Defaults in Payment and Insolvency), the Bill addresses situations wherein payment defaults or insolvency proceedings have been initiated against a telecommunication company (Telco or Corporate Debtor).
Au Québec, le droit de la consommation évolue régulièrement et la Loi sur la protection du consommateur (L.P.C.) continue de faire l’objet de plusieurs décisions des tribunaux chaque mois.
À l’occasion de la publication de ce nouveau bulletin de notre série en droit de la consommation, nous présentons les développements récents dans ce domaine sous l’angle des décisions des quelque 12 derniers mois de la Cour d’appel du Québec, qui apportent un éclairage sur des règles de la L.P.C.
Consumer law in Québec remains in constant evolution, and the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) continues to be the subject of many court decisions each month.
In this new article in our series on consumer law, we present recent developments in this area from the perspective of Québec Court of Appeal decisions over the past 12 months, which shed some light on the rules of the CPA.
ANNUAL CASE REVIEW 2021 serlecourt RAISING THE BAR IN CHANCERY & COMMERCIAL “Stacked with highly experienced silks and juniors, Serle Court has long been one of the leading sets when it comes to civil fraud disputes” Legal 500 serlecourt 02 Welcome to Serle Court’s Annual Review of 2021. In the second year of the pandemic, barristers at Serle Court have continued to appear, often remotely, in courts at all levels around the world, in cases across our wide field of commercial chancery law.