The expected regulation was published in the Official Gazette no. 31772 on March 8, 2022, and entered into force on the same date with the title “Regulation on the Procedure of Electronic Sales Pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Enforcement Code” [the “Regulation”].
This month sees a statement by the Charity Commission on the Ukraine crisis and how this impacts charities, and a factsheet released by the UK government on the impact the war has had on energy.
There are also some very interesting articles regarding support for domestic abuse victims to how to deal with Social Housing complaints.
Finally there is a press article on TLT’s involvement in the innovative second modular deal for Town and Country Housing and Legal and General Modular Homes.
Chul Man Kim, Sun Kyoung Kim, Sy Nae Kim and Woo Suk Jung, Yulchon LLC
This is an extract from the 2022 edition of GRR's the Asia-Pacific Restructuring Review. The whole publication is available here.
In summary
Following a recent hearing, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (the "Grand Court") has handed down a notable judgment (the "Judgment") approving the remuneration of the Principal Liquidators of Herald Fund SPC (In Official Liquidation) ("Herald")1 incurred during a six-month period, the entire amount of which had been opposed by Herald's Liquidation Committee.
Dear Clients and Friends,
In 2020, domestic and international energy markets were challenged by a worldwide pandemic and its effect on commodity prices, which accelerated disruptions in supply chains and impacted the energy transition in countries around the world.
Duty of care in tort not established in favour of main contractor from third party sub consultant
Vehicle production is based on a supply chain system. During a pandemic, the risk increases that not all links in the chain will function properly. It is worth considering this risk in the context of restructuring and bankruptcy law.
In a well-organised system, parts arrive on the production line “just in time.” The just-in-time system requires excellent logistics and management of the organisation and close cooperation between its participants.
Following the Government's announcement in March that the hotly anticipated changes to the UK's insolvency regime would be rushed through Parliament with further, temporary, provisions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, insolvency practitioners and business professionals alike have been awaiting further clarity on what the Business Secretary's comments mean for businesses both in the current climate and more generally.
In collaboration with our foreign law firm partners, we continue to update our chart of COVID-19 measures taken by governments around the world. Today’s update includes new information for many countries as indicated in the chart: Global Government Measures Taken in Response to COVID-19.
There have been debates for years about the pros and cons of owners withholding retainage (usually 5% or 10%, depending on each state’s retainage laws or local “industry standard”) from prime contractors. Typically, the primes will, in turn, withhold retainage from all subcontractors. However, in these crazy times, when the future of private and public projects is unknown and profit margins are in question, it might be a good time to revisit this issue.