In a very recent avoidance law decision the Austrian Supreme Court held that shareholders of Austrian limited liability companies, even if they are only small minority shareholders, can under certain circumstances be under a specific duty to investigate the company’s financial situation because of their statutory information and book inspection rights. If they fail to do so, they may have to return received payments if challenged by the insolvency administrator (Supreme Court file no. 3 Ob 117/18d).
Legal framework
The Austrian Insolvency Code provides for the possibility to challenge certain disadvantageous transactions carried out by the debtor after material insolvency has occurred, especially if the creditor knew or should have known of its debtor's material insolvency. This risk of legal actions being contested is of particularly high relevance for shareholders who are also creditors of the debtor company, as the Austrian Supreme Court recently decided that shareholders' information rights would result in an increased level of due diligence.
ALBANIA AUSTRIA BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA BULGARIA CROATIA CZECH REPUBLIC HUNGARY POLAND ROMANIA SERBIA SLOVAK REPUBLIC SLOVENIA UKRAINE 1 TO OUR READERS Welcome to the 6th edition of the DRInsider, the quarterly Newsletter of the Wolf Theiss Dispute Resolution Practice Group. We are happy to once again provide you with interesting news covering the various CEE/SEE jurisdictions in which we practice.
In three similar decisions of 17 March 2015[1] the Austrian Supreme Court (“OGH”) clarified how insolvency proceedings may affect an already pending arbitration.
As of 1 January 2015, the Au;trian criminal procedure code ("StPO") ctifferentiates between suspects (Verdachtiger) and
subJect to loose and unsubstantiated
Welcome to our guide for directors and prospective directors of subsidiary companies in Austria.
Capital measures are common reorganisation measures when a capital company is in financial crisis, including eg injection of fresh capital by way of a capital increase. The implementation of capital measures during financial crisis is often a source of dispute amongst shareholders, in particular if the capital measures are driven by a financially strong majority shareholder.