Debby Sulaiman, Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung

This is an extract from the 2021 edition of GRR's the Asia-Pacific Restructuring Review. The whole publication is available here.

In summary


As business and commerce becomes increasingly cross-border in nature, it is important for businesses to have knowledge of restructuring and insolvency regimes of foreign jurisdictions. This is particularly relevant in the Southeast Asia region, given the close connection and links amongst the Southeast Asian states.


On September 14, 2020, the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York recognized the Indonesian court-supervised restructuring plan for the Indonesian Duniatex textiles group ("Duniatex Group") under Chapter 151. Chapter 15 is a powerful and accessible tool for protection under the US Bankruptcy Code for non-US debtors facing litigation claims in the US.

In the recent case – Paulus Tannos v Heince Tombak Simanjuntak and others and another appeal [2020] SGCA 85 (‘Paulus Tannos’), the Singapore Court of Appeal held that in determining whether to recognise a foreign bankruptcy order, the Singapore Courts could decline to recognise the foreign bankruptcy order (‘BO’) if there was, according to Singapore law, a breach of natural justice in obtaining the foreign BO.



Insolvency Case Update: Paulus Tannos v Heince Tombak Simanjuntak and others [2020] SGCA 85

In split decision, Singapore Court of Appeal refuses recognition of Indonesian bankruptcy orders for breach of natural justice

Significant holdings:-

a. The question of whether there has been a breach of natural justice in a foreign court is one which the Singapore court alone can decide.


テーマ: 【タイ】仲裁手続に関するクラス・アクション制度の創設 【インドネシア】Eコマース事業に関する新たな商業大臣規制の制定 【ミャンマー】 (1): モン州における新経済特区の開発計画の公表 (2): 最近の商業省の動き 【マレーシア】COVID-19影響軽減のための暫定措置法案提出 【シンガポール】倒産・リストラクチャリング・解散法の施行 【フィリピン】遠隔地からの株主総会及び取締役会への出席

MHM Asian Legal Insightsは、アジア各国における最新の法律情報をタイムリーにお届けするニュースレターです。

When we began analysing in depth the possibility of Britain exiting the European Union, 18 months prior to the June 2016 referendum, the HERBERT businessSMITH FREEHILLS consensus w07as very muchSECTION TITLE that Brexit was a remote prospect that either would never happen or not matter.

Fast forward just over two years and the reality could not be more different. In this updated edition of our Brexit legal guide, we take stock of the present situation, summarising the key developments since last year's vote and what is to be expected in the months ahead. 10 33 99