What’s changing?
Businesses like safeguards when they enter into any venture with a third party. For example, they like to have the option of exiting an arrangement with a business that has run into financial difficulties – so that they can avoid any related obligations and risks. UK contracts therefore often include a mechanism to allow termination of an agreement if a party enters into an insolvency process (e.g. administration). However, an imminent change to UK law means that this will not always be an option in the future.
IP licensing and insolvency reform: ipso facto clauses
Licensors of intellectual property rights may soon be unable to terminate licenses where the licensee has gone into an insolvency process.
What are ipso facto clauses and why do they matter?
This week’s TGIF looks at a recent case where the Federal Court ordered the reinstatement of two companies to allow proceedings to be commenced against the liquidator of those companies for alleged breaches of duty (Lee v Parker [2020] FCA 1453).
Key takeaways
On November 1, 2019, amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act,R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 (BIA) and the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36 (CCAA) came into force. Among other changes described in our previous publication, these amendments expand the protection offered to intellectual property (IP) licensees in the event that the licensor enters insolvency.
The federal government’s budget implementation bill, Bill C-86[1], received Royal Assent on December 14, 2018. An aspect of the budget implementation bill is the amendment of various legislation, including the Patent Act, the Trademarks Act, as part of the government’s implementation of its intellectual property (“IP”) strategy.
On October 29, 2018, the Canadian Government introduced Bill C-86, A second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 27, 2018 and other measures. Bill C-86 is omnibus legislation, over 850 pages in length, which addresses diverse subjects including income tax, money laundering, and greenhouse gas emissions pricing. Numerous amendments and additions to Canadian intellectual property legislation are proposed.
Welcome to this month's edition of our commercial and tech update, covering a wide range of topics from Facebook's lacklustre approach in dealing with IP infringement to further confirmation on the Courts' approach to liquidated damages.
(Mis)Adventures in advertising
I. Brexit what does it involve and when could it happen?............................................................ 3
II. Legal areas affected................................................................................................................... 5
1. Choice of law clauses in existing legal relationships and the law applicable to non-contractual
obligations........................................................................................................................... 5
June 2016 BREXIT A changing legal landscape? 1 INTRODUCTION Yesterday, the UK public voted for the UK to leave the European Union ( EU). This briefing discusses, in outline, the potential timetable for Brexit, the possible shape that Brexit might take and the potential impact Brexit might have on certain areas of law relevant to your business.
2013 will herald some significant changes to the UK legal arena, notably in the corporate area in relation to executive remuneration and narrative reporting, in dispute resolution as the Government's reforms to the civil litigation costs and funding regime are due to be implemented and in the energy, real estate and construction areas where there are major changes to the carbon reduction commitment energy efficiency scheme, further amendments to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations, the introduction of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill and various amendments to the Building Regula