Firm Posts
Often, after filing a proof of claim, a creditor can go months, or even years, without hearing anything regarding their claim. Then, unexpectedly, the creditor's proof of claim faces an objection, possibly on multiple grounds, with a limited window to respond. A claim objection can raise several important strategic considerations for crafting the best response.
Key Issues
Dentro de las resoluciones concursales publicadas este verano vuelven a cobrar especial protagonismo las relativas a los planes de restructuración. La ley 16/2022, de 5 de septiembre, que introdujo los planes en nuestro ordenamiento cumple ahora dos años de vigencia y poco a poco se va formando un nutrido cuerpo de doctrina jurisprudencial.
Dicha doctrina comienza a perfilar límites en la flexibilidad total que se predica de los planes. En concreto en esta edición de las píldoras concursales reseñamos dos nuevas resoluciones clave, que son:
Recently, the High Court of Delhi, reinforced the application of Section 32A of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBC“). Section 32A of the IBC states that the liability of a corporate debtor (“CD“) for an offence committed prior to commencement of the corporate insolvency resolution process (“CIRP”) shall cease and the CD shall not be prosecuted for such an offence from the date the resolution plan (“Plan“) has been approved by the adjudicating authority (“AA”).
If a tenant appoints a voluntary administrator, the Corporations Act protects the administrator from Landlords who would otherwise be able to re-enter the premises.
It is important to act decisively to recover possession of your premises before an administrator is appointed.
On 19 August 2024, the High Court handed down its quantum decision in Wright v Chappell [2024] EWHC 2166 (Ch), which for the first time sets out the method for quantifying loss relating to "trading misfeasance" claims.
There have been a string of high-profile celebrity bankruptcies over the decades, and most recently, Katie Price. A common theme among these celebrities, many of whom were former contestants on the ITV hit show “I’m a Celebrity,” is that they were bankrupted by HMRC for unpaid taxes.
Geld zurück trotz erbrachter Leistung wegen zu hoher Deckungslücke des Schuldners. Aber wann?
The recent English High Court decision of Wright v Chappell related to the collapse of British Home Stores provides a landmark ruling of which directors of Cayman Islands companies need to be aware. This is the first time damages have been awarded against directors for 'misfeasant trading'. Directors may be held liable for any 'insolvency deepening' activity in failing to file for insolvency when it would be in the creditors' interests to do so.