Terminating DoCA's (Part 3) – Administrators' Casting Vote
Commissioner of State Revenue v McCabe (No. 2) [2024] FCA 662 ("McCabe")
IMO Academy Construction & Development Pty Limited [2024] NSWSC 808 ("Academy Construction")
Where there is a deadlock between the majority in value of creditors and those creditors with a majority in number on the vote for a DoCA, the administrator has a casting vote.
We recently published some useful guidance on how to deal with main contractor insolvency during a live project. You can find it here.
Este mes las resoluciones más interesantes están en los juzgados de lo mercantil.
El auto del Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 1 de Málaga de 4 de noviembre de 2024 confirma la posibilidad de una segunda prorroga de los efectos de la comunicación de apertura de negociaciones con los acreedores, como ya hizo auto del Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 2 de Madrid de 1 de octubre de 2024.
Terminating DoCA's (Part 2) – Unfair Prejudice or Injustice
Canstruct Pty Limited v Project Sea Dragon Pty Limited (No. 4) [2024] FCA 112 ("Canstruct")1
Commissioner of State Revenue v McCabe (No. 2) [2024] FCA 662 ("McCabe")
Academy Construction & Development Pty Limited [2024] NSWSC 808 ("Academy Construction")
Deeds of Company Arrangement – Insured Claims
Destination Brisbane Consortium Integrated Resort Operations Pty Ltd as Trustee v PCA (Qld) Pty Ltd (subject to a Deed of Company Arrangement) [2024] QSC 178 ("Destination Brisbane")
In Destination Brisbane two questions, which concerned the entitlements of insured creditors under a DoCA, arose for consideration in the context of an application for judicial advice:
On 20 November 2024, the UK Supreme Court delivered its judgment in the case of Kireeva v Bedzhamov1. The court ruled that a Russian bankruptcy trustee has no claim over a bankrupt's property in Belgrave Square on the basis that the court has no jurisdiction to assist a foreign bankruptcy trustee in respect of immovable property located in England and Wales and that such property is unaffected by a foreign bankruptcy order. This decision reaffirms the immovables rule, which (subject to exceptions) protects immovable property such as land from foreign bankruptcy claims.
Pooling Orders: Use of Property in a Joint Business
Morgan v McMillan Investment Holdings Pty Ltd [2024] HCA 33("McMillan")
"Where two or more related companies have engaged in a common business enterprise and are being wound up in insolvency, it may be appropriate in certain circumstances for the separate entities of the companies to be disregarded so that they are wound up together as if they were the one company." Harmer Report [854]
Our latest briefing compares recent developments in the APAC restructuring market with those in the UK. Despite APAC's and the UK's divergent monetary policy and growth forecasts, we find that restructuring markets in both regions are seeing very similar themes:
Dentro de las resoluciones concursales publicadas este verano vuelven a cobrar especial protagonismo las relativas a los planes de restructuración. La ley 16/2022, de 5 de septiembre, que introdujo los planes en nuestro ordenamiento cumple ahora dos años de vigencia y poco a poco se va formando un nutrido cuerpo de doctrina jurisprudencial.
Dicha doctrina comienza a perfilar límites en la flexibilidad total que se predica de los planes. En concreto en esta edición de las píldoras concursales reseñamos dos nuevas resoluciones clave, que son:
What you need to know