This table provides a high level overview of the restructuring and insolvency processes available in Australia, comparing their purposes, effects, advantages and disadvantages.
Australia has a moratorium on the reliance upon ipso facto on insolvency (insolvency termination clauses in contracts which allow counter parties to terminate due to the fact of insolvency). It is complex and there are numerous carve-outs as outlined in the chapter.
"Ipso facto" clauses
Liquidation involves the collection of the company's assets, the realisation of those assets and the distribution of the proceeds of their sale to the company's creditors.
Process of appointing liquidator
Informal workout agreements can renegotiate, delay, reduce or waive pre-existing debts owed by a company. For the debtor company, the main purpose of entering into an informal workout is to obtain agreements from its creditors to relinquish rights and refrain from enforcing certain debt covenants. The following are some commonly used informal workout mechanisms:
In the context of an insolvent or near insolvent company, a receiver will be appointed, in the ordinary course, by a secured creditor seeking to have the assets which are the subject of its security realised to enable the payment of its claim. The appointment, most often, will be made under the agreement by which the security is granted or might be made under one of the property law statutes which authorise the appointment of a receiver by the court for the purpose of enforcing a security.
Este mes apenas se han publicado resoluciones que consideremos reseñables, sólo tres de tres audiencias provinciales nos han parecido dignas de atención. A cambios las tres hacen pronunciamentos muy interesantes.
Audiencias Provinciales
Compensación de pagos entre un hotel y su operador por derivarse de una misma relación contractual.
The Supreme Court's judgment in BTI v Sequana is long-awaited, and welcome. The court has confirmed that directors do have a common law creditors' duty, and that it works on a sliding scale basis.
Tribunal Supremo
Jurisprudencia de la Sala de lo Contencioso del Tribunal Supremo: El adquirente de la unidad productiva se subroga en las deudas de la Seguridad Social anteriores al concurso respecto de la totalidad de los trabajadores de la concursada.
Sentencia 577/2022 del Tribunal Supremo, Sala de lo Contencioso, de 17 de mayo de 2022. Ponente: José Manuel Bandrés Sánchez-Cruzat.
Tribunal Supremo
Calificación de un crédito en el concurso de un hipotecante no deudor que es además fiador solidario. Cumplida la contingencia el crédito debe reconocerse como privilegiado especial (art. 270.1º TRLC)
The European Union Court of Justice ("EUCJ") has issued a judgment dated 10 November 2016 in the Matter No C-156/15 (Private Equity Insurance Group SIA ("SIA") v Swedbank AS) in response to a request for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court of Latvia, the country in which the bank Swedbank AS is based.