1. Introducción
Este mes son prominentes los autos de homologación de planes de restructuración (en su mayoría no consensuales) que seguimos viendo. En ese mismo campo destacamos la desestimación de la impugnación del ya famoso plan de Torrejón Salud (plan con una única clase) que se ha instaurado como un "leading case" en la práctica. Los recurrentes son condenados en costas.
Todo esto y más resúmenes de resoluciones que nos han parecido interesantes a continuación.
2. Audiencias Provinciales
Special Purpose Vehicles ("SPVs") – Financing Arrangements
Canstruct Pty Limited v Project Sea Dragon Pty Limited (No. 4) [2024] FCA 112 ("Canstruct")
SPVs are typically incorporated to undertake particular projects either for their holding company or on behalf of joint venturers. The arrangements made to fund the operations of SPVs can have implications for both their directors and their shareholders.
In its recent judgement of Foo Kian Beng v OP3 International Pte. Ltd. [2024] SGCA 10, the Singapore Court of Appeal laid down some key principles regarding the scope of directors' duties to creditors, i.e. the "creditor duty". These principles serve as useful guidance not just for directors to understand how they should discharge their duties but also for creditors seeking to hold directors to account. We set out some practical guidance for creditors on ensuring that directors discharge the "creditor duty".
What does the "creditor duty" of directors encompass?
Due Diligence by Voluntary Administrators in respect of their Appointment
Robust Construction Services Pty Ltd [2023] NSWSC 1156 ("Robust")
1. Introducción
Siguen siendo llamativas las homologaciones de planes de restructuración con apoyo de una ínfima mayoría del pasivo afectado. Este mes destacamos la homologación de un plan de restructuración para una microempresa aprobado por tan solo el 2,5% del pasivo con extensión de efectos al 97,5% restante.
Esta y otras resoluciones se resumen a continuación.
2. Tribunal Supremo
Communicating with Scheme Creditors: Beware of Zealous Advocacy
A-Cap Energy Limited [2023] FCA 1356 ("A-Cap") and Symbio Holdings Limited [2024] FCA 40 ("Symbio")
The main communication with scheme creditors is the explanatory statement approved at the first court hearing.
However, there can be other communications which are proposed to be sent to creditors.
In the case of other communications which are known at the time of the first hearing, they can include:
1. Introducción
En la edición de este mes de abril destacamos la ya famosa sentencia de la Audiencia Provincial de Valencia del 27 de marzo que declara la ineficacia total del plan de restructuración de Das Photonic, S.L.
Sobre esta sentencia se ha hablado mucho porque es la primera declaración de ineficacia de un plan de restructuración.
La sentencia tiene casi 150 páginas pero reseñamos abajo los puntos clave de su contenido que hemos extractado porque creemos pueden servir de lección para casos futuros.
The UK Jurisdiction Taskforce (UKJT) has published its "Legal Statement on Digital Assets and English Insolvency Law." The Statement confirms the view that digital assets are a form of personal property to which insolvency laws apply. It also affirms that the current approach taken by the English courts to determine whether they are the appropriate venue for the commencement of insolvency proceedings works for a company dealing in digital assets.
The Government intends to enhance the UK's cross-border insolvency regime with the adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Enterprise Group Insolvency (MLEG) and, after further consideration, Article X of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Recognition and Enforcement of Insolvency-Related Judgments (MLIJ).