Overview of this submission
In the course of dispute resolution, a creditor may be confronted with a situation where the corporate debtor is unable to repay its debts. In this case, can the creditor hold the shareholders of the company liable as well? This still depends on whether there is any contractual or legal basis for holding the shareholders liable.
(1) 公司解散或破产清算时股东尚未缴纳出资(包括已到期的和未到期的);
(2) 股东未履行或未全面履行出资义务;
(3) 股东抽逃出资的(针对抽逃出资本息部分)。
BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Act revisions effective 1 January 2023
Die produzierende Industrie in Deutschland wird derzeit durch massive Materialpreis- und Energiekostenerhöhungen aufgrund der mittelbaren Folgen der Corona-Pandemie, gestörten Lieferketten und dem Ukrainekrieg erheblich in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
The manufacturing industry in Germany is currently being severely affected by massive increases in material prices and energy costs due to the indirect consequences of the Corona pandemic, disrupted supply chains and the Ukraine war.
A summary winding up is the procedure used to wind up a solvent Jersey company under the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (the 1991 Law).
This guide examines the procedure for carrying out a summary winding up.
The steps necessary to carry out a summary winding up are as follows:
This edition will cover:
1.1 Are there international treaties and/or cross-border instruments applicable?
It is often said that failure is an essential step of learning. Business failure is an inherent process of economic activity so much so that it is estimated that some 200,000 firms in the European Union go bankrupt annually in the European Union. Around half of new operations fail to get through the first five years, and bankruptcies usually account for 15% of such failures.