The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Sequana1leaves many unanswered questions, and finding a common thread between the four quite separate judgments has proved challenging for practitioners and directors alike. The recent decision in Hunt v.
Ever since unpaid taxes due to HMRC were “crammed down” pursuant to a restructuring plan that it voted against but did not actively oppose in Houst,1 HMRC has challenged restructuring plans and asserted its interests more aggressively, causing the failure of restructuring plans inNasmyth
Die Anforderungen der Finanzverwaltung an die Steuerfreiheit von unternehmensbezogenen Sanierungen steigen in der Praxis.
In France, losses incurred by a company in a given fiscal year can be carried forward to offset profits in subsequent years, without time limit. The annual offset against future profits is limited to a maximum of €1 million, plus 50% of the portion of profit exceeding this threshold. Any unused balance is carried forward to the following year. It is also possible to opt to carry back losses against the previous year's profits, up to a maximum of €1 million.
In Mergermarket’s 2023 Global & Regional M&A Rankings, Hamilton Locke ranked 6th in Australia for the highest volume of M&A deals, with 69 deals valued at USD738 million. This is the firm’s highest Mergermarket ranking and a significant jump from 13th place in 2022.
The Lindahl tax team summarises two items of good news in the sphere of tax that arise in the case of restructurings: the proposal by the Ministry of Finance concerning new rules on deductions for previous years’ losses and a ruling from the Supreme Administrative Court stating that refusing interest deductions for intra-group acquisitions of shares is contrary to EU law in some cases.
Significant emerging factors and trends are increasing pressure on directors. After several years of relative stasis induced by the pandemic (when many businesses were supported by various government initiatives and bank flexibility, whilst also enjoying ATO and creditor patience), there is a distinct whiff of change in the air. This year, we might see a move back to a more ‘normal’, pre-COVID setting. If so, there will be pressures for some, and opportunity for others.
In recent months, there have been a few changes regarding MVLs, which we set out below as a helpful reminder to practitioners.
Statements of Solvency
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S89 of the Insolvency Act 1986 sets out the requirements for a statutory declaration of solvency where it is proposed that a company is wound up on a solvent basis.
In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode.
Hoge Raad: regeling proceskostenvergoeding voor fiscale bezwaarprocedures mogelijk in strijd met discriminatieverbod (art. 1 Grondwet)