Le droit de l'insolvabilité a récemment fait l'objet d'un changement majeur en ce qui concerne les procédures de réorganisation. La législation fiscale a ensuite été adaptée à ces nouvelles procédures, tout en modifiant le contenu de certaines règles fiscales importantes.
Le changement le plus important a pour conséquence qu'un apurement des dettes dans le cadre d'un accord de réorganisation devient moins intéressant du point de vue fiscal. Dans cet article, vous découvrirez comment cela fonctionne exactement.
Recently, insolvency law was fundamentally amended in terms of reorganization procedures. The tax legislation was subsequently adapted to these new procedures, at the same time changing the content of some important tax rules.
The most important change is that a waiver of debt within the framework of a reorganization agreement becomes less interesting from a tax point of view. You will find out exactly how this works in this article.
We have recently published a few blogs on the hot topic of company insolvencies, including more specifically about:
There are a few things that we can be almost certain of in 2024, and others are things to add to the watchlist, but with a potential change in government on the cards, there are likely to be a few curveballs thrown into the mix that none of us can predict.
Development of Restructuring Plans (RPs)
The English High Court decision of Hunt v Singh [2023] EWHC 1784 (Ch) has provided the most substantive authority on directors' duties to creditors since the decision of the Supreme Court in BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA and others [2022] UKSC 25 (“Sequana”). The case specifically considered the point at which a director’s duty to take into account the interests of creditors arises.
AfDB to support HealthTech Hub Africa’s blueprint to fast-track health technology innovations across Africa
Pursuant to recent amendments to the Income Tax Act 1967 (“ITA”), gains or profits from the disposal of a ‘capital asset’ on or after 1 January 2024 will be subject to capital gains tax (“CGT”).
‘Capital asset’ is defined to mean movable or immovable property, and includes any rights or interests thereof and includes amongst others, stock and shares, loan stock and debentures.
There are a few things that we can be almost certain of in 2024, and others are things to add to the watchlist, but with a potential change in government on the cards, there are likely to be a few curveballs thrown into the mix that none of us can predict.
Increasing Insolvencies
Executive Summary Executive Summry ○ 4월 총선에서 여당이 승리할 경우 상속/승계 세 부담 완화와 기업활동 지원을 위한 규제 완화에 속도가 붙을 것으로 전망됩니다. 반면 야당이 승리할 경우, 노동, 환경, 조세 분야 규제 강화를 위한 입법이 예상됩니다. 금융사고, 불완전 판매, 초과이익 등 금융회사 규제 강화는 여야 공통기조인 만큼 총선 이후에도 지속 추진될 전망입니다. ○ 11월 미국 대선에서 바이든-트럼프 간 재대결이 유력한 가운데 트럼프 당선 시 ▲대중 강 경노선 및 보호무역주의 회귀 ▲화석연료 중심의 에너지 정책 전환 ▲反이민정책 기조 등 미국의 통상·외교정책에 대대적인 변화가 예상됩니다. ○ 국내 전기차·배터리·반도체·신재생에너지 기업들의 대미(對美)·대중(對中)투자, 합작법인 설 립, 외국정부·기업과의 통상분쟁 이슈가 증가할 가능성이 있습니다. ○ 금융부문의 사회적 책임 이행에 대해 국회와 정부도 공감대를 가지고 있어, 은행 수익의 사회 환원을 위해 횡재세뿐만 아니라 상생금융 조성, 취약층 이자감면 등 다양한 방안이 마련될 것으로 예상됩니다.