The existence of a bankruptcy option is a good thing for any debtor-creditor situation that is highly stressed—whether the bankruptcy option is used or not.
This is especially true in mass-tort cases where a potential exists for (i) hugely-disparate results for similarly situated plaintiffs, and (ii) debilitating delays in the progress of litigation.
En el escaso transcurso de este año 2024 ya hemos tenido el honor de recibir dos interesantes resoluciones dictadas por la Sala Primera del Tribunal Supremo en materia concursal.
Estas dos resoluciones ponen de relieve cuestiones en las que, habiendo la Sala apreciado y justificado el interés casacional para entrar en el fondo del asunto, precisamente, en uno de esos supuestos, por no haberse tratado con anterioridad, hacen que nos traigan consigo pronunciamientos que serán de plena aplicación en la práctica.
Congress, the federal appellate courts and the U.S. Supreme Court all need to recognize this historical reality:
- bankruptcy is an efficient and effective tool for resolving mass tort cases, as demonstrated by cases with huge-majority approval votes from tort victims.
And all those institutions need to prevent anti-bankruptcy biases, legal technicalities, and hold-out groups from torpedoing the huge-majority votes.
Supreme Court moving in the right direction?
Can the contempt remedy for a creditor’s violations of the discharge injunction in multiple bankruptcy cases throughout the land be imposed in a class action lawsuit?
The original version of this article was first published in the Trilegal Quarterly Roundup
Here’s a due process question that’s percolating before the U.S. Supreme Court and a related mediation issue:
Under the Law on Bankruptcy 2014, creditors (chủ nợ) of a bankrupt enterprise include unsecured creditors, partially secured creditors (chủ nợ có bảo đảm một phần) and secured creditors (chủ nợcó bảo đảm). While it is not entirely clear, it appears that partially secured creditors are considered as a separate class of creditors and have their own rights during a bankruptcy proceeding.
Under the Law on Bankruptcy 2014,
Gerät ein Unternehmen in die Krise oder gar in die Insolvenz stellen sich vielfältige Themen, auch steuerliche. Unsere neue Blogserie gibt den Überblick.
Unternehmen in der Krise haben häufig andere Sorgen als das Thema Steuern. Die steuerlichen Belange zu vernachlässigen kann aber sowohl vor wie auch in der Krise fatale Konsequenzen haben. Diese liegen im Steuerstrafrecht und in Haftungsrisiken – auch für die Beteiligten persönlich –, die wiederum den Sanierungserfolg torpedieren und selbst zur Existenzbedrohung werden können.
In the course of bankruptcy proceedings, the disposition of property by the bankrupt is subject to a degree of control and restriction, requiring the consent or ratification of the Court. This protects the creditors from the unfair removal of property from the bankrupt's pool of assets.
Con sentenza n. 4168 del 15 febbraio 2024, la Corte di Cassazione ha affermato che appare senz’altro idonea a giustificare l’eccezione di inadempimento e a paralizzare il diritto al compenso del professionista la condotta antigiuridica dell’organo sindacale che, in un’operazione di fusione societaria che ha prodotto un rilevante danno per la società incorporante, abbia omesso di verificare la situazione patrimoniale ed economica della società che si andava ad incorporare, anche mediante richiesta di documentazione.