Sale Hearing
On September 20, 2008, the Bankruptcy Court approved the sale of certain assets of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. ("LBHI") and Lehman Brothers Inc. ("LBI"),1 including those related to its Canadian Capital Markets and Investment Banking businesses, to Barclays Capital, Inc. ("Barclays"). The sale was approved despite the filing of over 80 objections raising a number of procedural and substantive issues. The Purchase and Sale Agreement was subsequently amended, and a clarifying letter filed, to address a number of the questions and concerns raised.
2022年8月31日より前、ケイマン裁判所は、会社法(Companies Act)第104条(3)に基づく会社清算請願が提出された場合、以下の両要件を満たすときに、ライトタッチの暫定清算人を選任することができました。
第1 はじめに
令和4年に「中小企業の事業再生等に関するガイドライン」 の適用が開始されてから2年が経過し、この間、実務において も多数の事業再生計画案・弁済計画案が策定され、成立して います。
計画案の中には、同ガイドライン第三部が規定する廃業型 私的整理手続による弁済計画案も多く含まれます。廃業型私 的整理手続の場合は、同ガイドラインの目的の一つである事 業清算に伴って債務者企業の解散・清算を実施することが多 いと思われますが、実務上、例えば株主数が相当数にのぼり、 株主名簿上の株主が死亡するなどして経営に関心もなく、株 主総会における解散決議の定足数を充たさない場合や、同 族会社の株主である親族の間で感情的な対立があり、解散 決議(特別決議)の要件を充たさない場合など、株主総会決 議による解散ができないことにより、債務者企業の清算に支 障を来す場面が生じています。
In brief
The bankruptcy of FTX Trading, a major U.S. crypto assets exchange, is bringing to light the pitfalls of global bankruptcy. The reason for this is that FTX Japan, a Japanese subsidiary of FTX Trading, also filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. This differs from the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Group given the Japanese subsidiary of FTX Trading did not file for bankruptcy in Japan due to a significant excess of assets.
In brief
In Japan, any out-of-court workout requires the unanimous consent of all creditors to a restructuring plan. On 4 October 2022, the Japanese government announced that it is considering introducing new out-of-court workout rules. Under the proposed new rules, a restructuring plan will be binding if a majority vote of creditors and confirmation of the court is obtained. Such a majority rule is a common feature amongst schemes of arrangement in many other countries.
In more detail
Arthur C. Clarke famously observed: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Our regulatory, legislative, and judicial systems illustrate this principle whenever new technology exceeds the limits of our existing legal framework and collective legal imagination. Cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, has proven particularly “magical” in the existing framework of bankruptcy law, which has not yet determined quite what bitcoin is—a currency, an intangible asset, a commodity contract, or something else entirely.
Arthur C. Clarke famously observed: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Our regulatory, legislative, and judicial systems illustrate this principle whenever new technology exceeds the limits of our existing legal framework and collective legal imagination. Cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, has proven particularly “magical” in the existing framework of bankruptcy law, which has not yet determined quite what bitcoin is—a currency, an intangible asset, a commodity contract, or something else entirely.