For the benefit of our clients and friends investing in European distressed opportunities, our European Network is sharing some current developments.

Recent Developments


Petroplus, the largest independent refiner and wholesaler of petroleum products in Europe entered into various insolvency proceedings in Switzerland, England and Wales, France, Germany and Belgium on 24-27 January 2012 after the group failed to reach agreement with its creditors to extend the deadline of its loan repayments.

An extract from GRR The European, Middle Eastern and African Restructuring Review 2018

Brief overview of insolvency proceedings

Enhanced by no less than five reforms over the past 10 years, French insolvency law now provides a comprehensive set of tools designed to efficiently handle the legal, economic and financial difficulties that companies are facing. The whole insolvency architecture hinges on the key concept of cessation of payments (ie, inability of the debtor to pay its debts as they fall due with its available assets).

Une ordonnance, n° 2017-1519 du 2 novembre 2017, porte adaptation du droit français au nouveau règlement européen relatif aux procédures d'insolvabilité (Règlement (UE) n° 2015/848 du 20 mai 2015).

Le nouveau Règlement, révisant le règlement (CE) n° 1346/2000 du Conseil du 29 mai 2000, est entré en vigueur dans les États membres le 26 juin 2017.

L'objectif de l’ordonnance est de :

The Paris office of Hogan Lovells is pleased to provide this English language edition of our monthly e-newsletter, which offers a legal and regulatory update covering France and Europe for June 2017.

Please note that French legal concepts are translated into English for information only and not as legal advice. The concepts expressed in English may not exactly reflect or correspond to similar concepts existing under the laws of the jurisdictions of the readers.

If you would like to consult this newsletter from past months, please click here.

The Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) announced it is examining registrants’ compliance with key whistleblower provisions arising out of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Dodd-Frank Act).

FagorBrandt, whose successor is the Brandt group, benefited from an exceptional and temporary support package, financed by the Economic and Social Development Fund, to help viable intermediate-sized enterprises experiencing economic difficulties and undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. As a result, it received two loans of €10 million in 2013 and €47.5 million in 2014 below market rates.


Global FDSI Briefing

Welcome to our latest quarterly briefing on legal developments across our global network. I hope you find the articles insightful and thought provoking. Highlights this quarter include recent developments in Italian derivatives case law, an overview of the amendments made to Spain’s insolvency regulation and the UK’s FCA issuing first warning notices against individuals.

If you have any questions or would like further information please do not hesitate to contact me, or one of our global key contacts.

[Matthew Allen]

Matthew Allen