Status as of 17/02
Table of Content
- 1 Financial Support Measures
- 2 Capital Markets
- 3 Employment
- 4 Real Estate & Construction
- 5 Tax & Duties
- 6 Corporate, M&A
- 7 EU & Competition
- 8 Courts and Authorities
- 9 Healthcare
- 10 Insolvency & Restructuring
- 11 Insurance
- 12 Intellectual Property
- 13 Telecom & Data Protection
- 14 Other
1 Financial Support Measures
Wir beziehen uns auf das Schreiben vom 19. Oktober 2020 betreffend die Eröffnung der Vernehmlassung zum Entwurf der Verordnung zur Anpassung des Bundesrechts an Entwicklungen der Technik verteilter elektronischer Register und bedanken uns bestens für die Gelegenheit zur Stellungna
Wir beziehen uns auf das Schreiben vom 19. Oktober 2020 betreffend die Erffnung der Vernehmlassung zum Entwurf der Verordnung zur Anpassung des Bundesrechts an Entwicklungen der Technik verteilter elektronischer Register und bedanken uns bestens fr die Gelegenheit zur Stellungnahme.
The contents of this publication are for reference purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your specific circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action based on this publication.
知的財産法:改正個人情報保護法に関する動き 競争法/独禁法①:公取委、フランチャイズ・ガイドライン改正案の公表 競争法/独禁法②:ドイツ競争法の重要な改正 エネルギー・インフラ:発電側基本料金制度に関する続報 労働法:「男性の育児休業取得促進策等について」の建議について 会社法:会社法施行規則及び会社計算規則の一部改正-定時株主総会におけるウェブ開示によるみなし提供制度の対象範囲の拡大特例- 危機管理:日本監査役協会が「企業集団における不祥事防止を切り口とした監査体制強化の在り方」を公表 一般民事・債権管理:「事業者を支える融資・再生実務のあり方に関する研究会」による論点整理の公表(新たな担保権「事業成長担保権(仮称)」の提言) M&A:中小企業庁、産業競争力強化法等の一部を改正する等の法律案の概要を公表 ファイナンス・ディスクロージャー:経済産業省「事業報告等と有価証券報告書の一体的開示FAQ(制度編)」 税務:国税庁、「在宅勤務に係る費用負担等に関するFAQ(源泉所得税関係)」を公表 中国・アジア(中国):「外国の法律及び措置の不当な域外適用の阻止に関する規則」の公布 新興国(UAE):オンショアの外資規制緩和を含む会社法の改正 国際訴訟・仲裁:ICC、SIAC等の近時の動向
2020 was a difficult and uncertain year, with unprecedented challenges across the globe, changing the world as we know it. At the start of 2021, the country remained in lockdown and Brexit materialised - with a deal - posing a further seismic shift. It remains unclear what the full effect of either will be on the economy. On the plus side, the active vaccination programme may offer us a route out of the pandemic. But one thing is clear, lawyers are resilient and our flexible fee structures and case funding options prove more important than ever. We are here, ready to help.
Recent regulatory developments of interest to all financial institutions. Includes key COVID-19 updates from the UK FCA, AML/CTF updates and more.
COVID-19: FCA statement on handling of post and paper documents
On 13 May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a statement on how firms should handle post and paper documents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As we move closer to a global recession caused by the current pandemic, some companies will find themselves in the unfortunate position of having to seek bankruptcy relief. This may have some important and often overlooked privacy implications. There is no question that in this day and age, one of a business’ most valuable assets is the personal information that it has collected from its customers and/or end-users – often more so than any of its tangible assets.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are often asked what our clients should do if a business (such as a supplier, customer or any other contract counterparty) is suffering distress and may be contemplating filing for insolvency.
COVID-19: Summary of Key Issues.................................................................................... 1