The media is brimming with articles on the rise of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Whether it’s news on the rising value of Bitcoin, the acquisition of digital art for large amounts of money, the release of the latest Kings of Leon album as an NFT (non fungible token), or articles on people who have invested in cryptocurrency scams, crypto assets are taking center stage.
23 квітня 2021 року набув чинності Закон України «Про внесення змін до законодавчих актів України щодо споживчих кредитів, наданих в іноземній валюті» (надалі – «Закон № 1381-IX»), відомий раніше як законопроєкт № 4475, зміст положень якого ми аналізували у попередній публікації. Тоді ж ми висловили припущення, що запропонована модель реструктуризації навряд чи буде втілена у життя у первинній версії – надто очевидним був дисбаланс між інтересами кредиторів і позичальників (на користь останніх). Що, власне, і сталося.
Last year saw a wave of insolvency-related legislation introduced which was largely in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic but which also saw permanent reforms which have, and will continue to have, an impact on the logistics industry as well as supply-chains generally.
In American jurisprudence, resolution of disputes often involves the use of important tools to obtain information necessary to achieving a client’s goals. These tools are collectively known as “discovery.” Discovery is most often used in litigation; however, it may also be used as part of the bankruptcy process, without the need for a pending lawsuit.
Im (vorläufigen) Insolvenzverfahren ist es die Aufgabe des Insolvenzverwalters, für den Schutz personenbezogener Daten zu sorgen. Er übernimmt anstelle des ursprünglichen Geschäftsführers/Inhabers die Führung des Unternehmens und wird damit gemäß Art. 4 Nr. 7 Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) datenschutzrechtlich verantwortlich. Das gilt nicht nur, wenn personenbezogene Daten für die Zwecke des Insolvenzverfahrens verarbeitet werden, sondern betrifft alle Verarbeitungsvorgänge im schuldnerischen Unternehmen. Ein „Insolvenzprivileg“ kennt das Datenschutzrecht dabei nicht.
As of Q1 2021, vaccines have started to reduce hospitalisations in numerous countries, but global variations in vaccine manufacturing, distribution, procurement and adoption ensure that 2021 will be a year of patchwork ‘new normals’ worldwide. New, more infectious and potentially more robust variants may render COVID-19 endemic, further fragmenting governments’ response. Despite the prominence of the pandemic, other issues (such as Brexit and data protection) have also been notable within searches.
Now that the UK has left the EU and the transition period ended on 31 December 2020, this briefing considers the key points of the legal and regulatory landscape from the perspective of Ireland.
Deal or no-deal?
In effect, there is both. The December 2020 EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement1 (the “TCA”) includes a ‘deal’ so far as concerns EU-UK trade in many types of good. However, the TCA makes little provision for trade in services and so, broadly, it is ‘no-deal’ as regards most types of service.
While the world wrestles with the day-to-day realities of the pandemic, 2021 will bring further challenges. With the memory of the litigious and regulatory aftermath of the global financial crisis still fresh, what should be on your radar?
1. Disputed margin calls and close-outs
2020 was a transformative year for the consumer financial services world. As we navigated an unprecedented volume of industry regulation, Troutman Pepper leveraged our decades of experience and legal know how to help clients find successful resolutions and stay ahead of the compliance curve.
1.1 Corona Relief Fund (for more details check out our legal insight)