Die fundamentalen Spannungen, die der Ukraine-Krieg in den Energiemärkten verursacht, hinterlassen bereits jetzt tiefe Spuren bei Industrie und Privathaushalten. Vor allem bei besonders energieintensiven Industrien und Betrieben zeichnen sich bereits erste Produktionsdrosselungen, Produktionsstopps und sogar Insolvenzen ab. So haben jüngst Hersteller von energieintensiven Produkten wie Dünger, Kohlensäure und AdBlue die Produktion gedrosselt oder gleich ganz eingestellt. Mit Görtz und Hakle mussten zudem bereits zwei Unternehmen wegen steigender Energiekosten Insolvenz anmelden.
While the timing of competing English and German insolvency applications in Re Galapagos allowed for clear determination of jurisdiction under the UK Insolvency Regulation, there remains potential uncertainty as to how similar competing applications made following 31 December 2020 will be resolved in the post-Brexit environment.
Following several insolvency cases of high-flying start-up companies, a helpful recent ruling by the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf (Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf) has specified the requirements for going concern forecasts for start-up companies.
According to a ruling by the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) on 5 May 2022, a passenger's claim for reimbursement due to a flight cancellation in insolvency needs to be established in the schedule of creditors, otherwise it remains a claim for air transport that cannot be enforced in insolvency proceedings if the flight was booked and paid for before the insolvency proceedings.
The Insolvency Law Senate of the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht, BAG) was again asked to provide a clear answer to this pivotal question on 25 May 2022 (Case No. 6 AZR 497/21). The case concerned an action for annulment taken by the insolvency administrator against a payment received by an employee from their insolvent employer. The insolvency administrator was tasked with administering and disposing of the assets of the insolvent employer.
Diese Gretchenfrage ist dem Insolvenzrechtssenat des BAG am 25. Mai 2022 einmal mehr gestellt und diesmal eindeutig - mit Auswirkungen über den zu entscheidenden Fall hinaus - beantwortet worden (Az. 6 AZR 497/21). Hintergrund war die Anfechtungsklage eines Insolvenzverwalters gegenüber einer Arbeitnehmerin des Insolvenzschuldners.
In a ruling issued on 3 March 2022 (IX ZR 78/20) the German Federal Court (BGH) has again raised the requirements for proving that a debtor, when making a payment, intended to disadvantage their creditors.
German insolvency law prohibits managing directors from making payments on behalf of the company after it has become illiquid or over-indebted. This does not apply to payments made when acting with the due care and diligence of a prudent business manager. Such payments are privileged as they do not reduce the insolvency estate and do not disadvantage creditors if they allow the business to continue and enable corporate recovery.
German gaming group Löwen Play obtained sanction for a scheme of arrangement following a hearing in the High Court on 5 May 2022. Mr Justice Johnson granted an order sanctioning the scheme following its approval by a significant majority of creditors at the single scheme meeting. The group operates a gaming arcade business in Germany and the Netherlands, and the relevant scheme company was incorporated in Germany.
Debtors and investors have an enhanced choice of restructuring venues as the EU Restructuring Directive is rolled out in Member States