2014年5月15日 环球法律专递 Global Legal Updates
近日,中银国际旗下海外投资机构Apollo Investment Asia Limited(下称“阿波罗”)向法院提交了启动赛维LDK太阳能公司(下称“塞维LDK”)的实际控制人彭小峰个人破产程序的申请。据媒体报道,阿波罗之所以提交前述个人破产申请,是由于赛维LDK未能实现其在2011年签署的投资协议中对阿波罗所作出的“下属公司两年内实现分拆上市”的承诺。根据该协议,彭小峰作为塞维LDK的实际控制人向阿波罗承担现金补偿的连带担保责任。
Payment of debts to individual creditors (hereinafter also referred to as “individual payoff”) refers to the debtor’s payment to individual creditors when the debtor is already subject to bankruptcy because of a certain reason. The P.R.C.
On 11 June 2014, the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China ("PRC" or "China") handed down its ruling in the case of Sino-environment Technology Group Limited ("Sino-environment") v Thumb Env-Tech Group (Fujian) Co., Ltd ("Thumb").
On March 7, 2014, the State Council released its Opinion on Further Optimizing the Market Environment for Corporate Merger and Restructuring (Guo Fa [2014] No. 14, “Circular 14”), to improve the institutional mechanisms and policies that encourage corporate mergers and restructuring. Circular 14 gives overall guidance on special treatments for merger and corporate restructuring transactions with regard to enterprise income tax (“EIT”), land value-added tax, value-added tax and business tax.
甲公司(深圳某服装贸易有限公司)与乙公司(深圳某服装生产厂)于2010年1月1日签订了《服装购买合同》,约定甲公司向乙公司购买一批服装,价款为15万元人民币。在 2010年4月1日之前乙公司须向甲公司交付服装,2010年5月1日之前甲公司须向乙公司支付15万元的价款。后乙公司如期交付了货物,但是甲公司未在合同约定的期限内支付价款。乙公司在2010年5月3号向甲公司发出了《付款催告通知》,要求甲公司在3个月之内还款。针对这笔款项,甲公司于5月5日向乙公司制定了还款计划书,根据该还款计划书:从2010年5月6日起,公司将根据自身的资金情况,每月尽可能多的向乙公司还款。还款计划书出具后,甲公司在5月6日向乙公司支付了5000元,之后就再未履行还款义务。乙公司于2010年8月20日获悉甲公司已于4天前解散。邹某、金某、朱某是甲公司的股东,且邹某为了逃避债务,故意隐藏公司财物清单,导致甲公司无法进行清算。乙公司求偿无望,欲通过诉讼手段解决争议。
On March 20, Suntech, a Chinese solar manufacturing company, declared bankruptcy. Questions have arisen on how the country’s solar industry will now cope with overcapacity issues which stem from a decline in demand from Europe. The declaration comes a week after the company announced it had defaulted on $541 million of bonds.
To deepen government reform and improve government efficiency, the State Council of the People's Republic of China recently released the Plans for Government Institutional Reform and Function Change (the Restructuring Plan), and was approved by People’s Congress at its first session and it took effect on March 14, 2013.
Understanding your rights as a creditor while navigating under China’s bankruptcy laws is becoming a must these days, especially for foreign creditors. As many foreign companies engage in business with Chinese companies, chances are likely that you will encounter a failing Chinese company that will file for bankruptcy in China. A China bankruptcy filing can have a tremendous impact upon foreign creditors. If you are doing business with Chinese companies or have investments in Chinese companies, you should be aware of your rights as a creditor under Chinese bankruptcy laws.
Key Points
- Announcement 72 to elaborate on how the cross-border equity transfer can qualify for the special tax treatment
- Clarifies the rules to ensure no tax-avoidance purpose would be involved in the restructure as well as sets forth the rule on relevant filing procedures