Welcome to our latest quarterly bulletin which contains updates on commercial litigation developments over the past three months, largely by reference to articles posted to our Litigation Notes blog in that period. Other posts are available on the blog, which you can visit any time. Or subscribe to be notified of the latest updates: https://www.herbertsmithfreehills.com/notes/litigation.
Employment Tracker DEZEMBER 2022 DEZEMBER 2022 | EMPLOYMENT TRACKER Employment Tracker 2 Bleiben Sie mit uns auf dem Laufenden Mit unserem Employment Tracker blicken wir für Sie regelmäßig in die „Zukunft des Arbeitsrechts“! Jeweils zu Monatsbeginn stellen wir die wichtigsten für den Monat erwarteten Entscheidungen des Bundesarbeitsgerichts (BAG) und des Europäischen Gerichtshofs (EuGH) sowie sonstiger Gerichte vor. In der Ausgabe des jeweiligen Folgemonats berichten wir über die Ergebnisse.
On 30 June 2022, the English court handed down judgment and made a winding-up order in respect of Galapagos S.A., marking an important milestone in an almost three-year cross-border insolvency battle involving the English, German and European courts.
The decision also provides helpful guidance on the application of the Recast European Insolvency Regulation post-Brexit, as well as the extent to which pre-Brexit jurisprudence should still be considered retained in, or relevant to, English law.
Galapagos: The Facts
CJEU pronounces on “mobile conflict” and the effects of Brexit in relation to insolvency proceedings
Judgment by the Court of Justice of the European Union on March 24, 2022
El TJUE se pronuncia sobre el “conflicto móvil” y los efectos del Brexit en materia de insolvencia
Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 24 de marzo de 2022
El órgano judicial europeo ha dictado una sentencia de especial relevancia para el funcionamiento y efectividad de los 'pre-packs' concursales. En concreto, aclara los requisitos que se deben cumplir para respetar los derechos de los trabajadores en caso de transmisión de empresas.
Legal proceedings were initiated in front of the Luxembourg district court by a public limited liability company (société anonyme), seeking the deletion of bankruptcy filings made with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (hereinafter "RCSL"). The company had been declared bankrupt by judgment of the Luxembourg district court and such court decision had been filed and published with the RCSL.
We examine what impact the Court of Justice of the European Union decisions in Hampshire v PPF and PSV v Bauer will have on PPF compensation post-Brexit
On 11 November 2021, the CJEU (C-340/20) ruled that the freezing of assets and economic resources under the EU restrictive measures (economic sanctions) precludes protective measures by creditors. Therefore, creditors should proactively seek protective measures or rely on a sanctions regime’s exception.
Restrictive measures
In her recent keynote speech, delivered at the 25th IBA Competition Conference on 10 September 2021, European Commission (the Commission) Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager called for a green revolution—the replacement of a linear economy with a circular one, coupled with investments in infrastructure.