Una sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE) avala sustituir una cláusula abusiva de vencimiento anticipado en un préstamo hipotecario por la aplicación del artículo 693.2 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil (LEC), según el cual es válido y no abusivo iniciar una ejecución hipotecaria por impago de al menos tres cuotas mensuales.
Ranking of claims payable to the government in respect of refunded subsidies depends on when they were granted
Judgment by the Supreme Court (Chamber One), November 20, 2018
Chronological parameters must be used when classifying claims arising from the obligation to refund subsidies. Accordingly, if the subsidies were granted before the insolvency order, the claim in respect of the refunded subsidy must be a pre-insolvency claim whereas if the subsidy was granted after the insolvency order, the claim for the refund must be a post-insolvency claim.
El rango de los créditos a favor de la Administración por restitución de subvenciones depende del momento de su concesión
Sentencia de la Sala Primera del Tribunal Supremo de 20 de noviembre de 2018
On 14 November 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued a judgment on jurisdiction for avoidance actions under the previous Insolvency Regulation.
In its decision of 12 February 2009, the Court had already established that the courts of the Member State with jurisdiction to open insolvency proceedings are competent for all the actions directly related to the insolvency.
No es concursal una acción que tiene por objeto una pretensión de indemnización de daños y perjuicios por responsabilidad delictual o cuasidelictual, que ejercita el síndico en el marco de un procedimiento de insolvencia y que, de prosperar, daría lugar a la reintegración de lo obtenido en la masa activa. La competencia para conocer de ella se determina por las disposiciones del Reglamento Bruselas I (RBI, aplicado al caso por razones temporales, si bien lo decidido por el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea [TJUE] se extiende al actualmente aplicable RBIbis).
Although many sectors of the Irish economy are experiencing the benefits of economic upturn, a number of Irish homeowners are still dealing with the after-effects of the recession. In this context, some defaulted homeowners are defending repossession proceedings by banks and alternative lenders relying on the EU Directive on Unfair Contract Terms ("UCTD").
EU requirement for national insolvency registers to be established in all Member States (Recast Insolvency Regulation 2015 ((EU) 2015/848))
Will Nevin Partner T +44 20 7466 2199 [email protected]
Kevin Pullen Partner T +44 20 7466 2976 [email protected]
2017Q4 (Oct-Dec)
In a recent judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) confirmed the extent to which an English law governed contract can be subject to the transaction avoidance provisions of the insolvency law of other another member state if one of the counterparties enters into insolvency in that member state (eg Italy): Vinyls Italia SpA v Mediterranea di Navigazione SpA C-54/16 (8 June 2017).
The perspective of a ahot summer arriving is an excellent opportunity to take a look at the most relevant events that occured on the second quarter of 2019.
On an international level, and in contrast with the previous quarters, few events are worth mentioning.
Selection of the main restructuring and insolvency judgments.
Requirements for subordination of claims notified out of time
For a claim notified out of time not to be classed as subordinate, it must meet the following tests: (i) it must appear in the debtors’ documents; (ii) it must be due and payable; (iii) the fact that it exists and is payable must be beyond doubt; and (iv) it cannot be overlooked by the insolvency practitioner when drawing up the list of creditors by reason of the circumstances of the case.