Recent Development
The Financial Restructuring Framework Agreement ("PreviousFA") drafted by the Banks Association of Turkey was revised to be divided into two separate framework agreements for large scale (the "Large Scale FA") and small-scale (the "Small Scale FA") debtors.
What's New?
The High Court, in its recent judgment In the matter of ipagoo LLP (in administration) [2021] EWHC 2163 (Ch) (Ipagoo), has determined that no statutory trust exists over safeguarded funds held under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (EMRs). This can be contrasted with the decision In Re Supercapital [2020] EWHC 1685 (Ch) (Supercapital) which found that the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSRs) create a statutory trust over safeguarded funds.
Yeni Gelişme
Türkiye Bankalar Birliği, hazırladığı Finansal Yeniden Yapılandırma Çerçeve Anlaşması'nı ("Önceki Çerçeve Anlaşma") büyük ölçekli ("Büyük Ölçekli Çerçeve Anlaşma") ve küçük ölçekli ("Küçük Ölçekli Çerçeve Anlaşma") borçlular için iki farklı çerçeve sözleşme olacak şekilde bölmek üzere değişiklik yaptı.
Değişiklik ne getiriyor?
Recent development
With a presidential decision numbered 4299 and dated 14 July 2021, the effectiveness of Temporary Article 32 of the Banking Law regulating the financial restructuring transactions and related incentives and tax exemptions contemplated under the Framework Agreement has been extended for an additional two years. Please refer to the following links for our alerts on the introduction of Temporary Article 32 and the Framework Agreement:
What’s new?
Recent Developments
The Law on the Amendment to the Income Tax Law and Certain Laws (the "Omnibus Bill") entered into force upon its publication on the Official Gazette No. 30836 dated July 19, 2019. The Omnibus Bill includes provisions for financial restructuring and tax related matters.
What’s New?
Financial Restructuring
Yeni Gelişme
4299 sayılı ve 14 Temmuz 2021 tarihli Cumhurbaşkanlığı kararı ile Çerçeve Anlaşmalar kapsamında gerçekleştirilen finansal yeniden yapılandırma işlemlerini ve bu işlemler için tanınan teşvikler ve vergi muafiyetlerini düzenleyen Bankacılık Kanunu’nun geçici 32. maddesinin geçerlilik süresi iki yıl daha uzatıldı. Geçici 32. Madde ve Çerçeve Anlaşma’ya ilişkin bültenlerimize aşağıdaki bağlantılardan ulaşabilirsiniz:
Değişiklik Ne Getiriyor?
Yeni Gelişmeler
Gelir Vergisi Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun ("Torba Kanun") 19 Temmuz 2019 tarih ve 30836 sayılı Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe girdi. Torba Kanun finansal yeniden yapılandırmaya ve gelir vergisine ilişkin düzenlemeler içeriyor.
Torba Kanun ne getiriyor?
Finansal Yeniden Yapılandırma
Government Intervention Schemes
Current as of 21 May 2021
Government Intervention Schemes
COVID-19 Government Intervention Schemes 2
Countries around the globe are facing unprecedented and rapid change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This guide provides a summary of key government interventions around the globe in relation to: EU State Aid Approvals (for EMEA region), foreign investment restrictions, debt, equity and taxation.
In a prior blog post, “Making Sense of The Circuit Split on the Enforcement of Make-Whole Provisions in Bankruptcy,” we discussed the circuit split on the enforcement of a make-whole premium triggered by a bankruptcy petition. Shortly after that post was published, the U.S.
This article discusses considerations for credit funds that face a restructuring situation in the post-COVID-19 world — whether one largely caused by the challenges posed by the pandemic or one simply accelerated by such challenges — and how workouts of these investments present their own challenges.