Innovations to the Act in late 2015 seek to modernize and simplify collective proceedings in OHADA member states.
On 24 November 2009, ASIC released Consultation Paper 124 which provides guidance for directors on their duty to prevent insolvent trading which is imposed by section 588G of the Corporations Act 2001.
The economic climate over the past two years has seen a growing number of corporate insolvencies. There is also evidence that directors, and particularly directors of small to medium size enterprises, do not fully understand their duty to prevent insolvent trading.
As part of what appears to be a global trend, the amount of litigation in Belgium is increasing rapidly. Litigation advice is fast becoming one of the most in-demand services in legal practice, along with advice on restructuring and employment. Due to the challenging economic and financial conditions, companies are now tending to commence debt collection proceedings as soon as their debtors fail to honour their debts, and are pre-emptively restructuring their businesses in order to avoid unnecessary costs which might eventually lead to bankruptcy.
In the European Union, Stat e interventions in the market in the form of subsidies or other economic advantages are generally prohibited, but companies can receive aid from Member States if the aid is approved by the European Commission.
The signs for the leveraged finance market in 2011 are mixed. Questions remain as to whether this year will see a fresh spate of restructurings and/or continued growth in primary issuance. Whilst data compiled by Fitch Ratings has shown that European PE backed company default rates slowed in 2010 (and premier league spending during the January transfer window topped £225 million compared with £30 million last year), the primary leveraged finance market has started slowly this year.
On 28 June 2010 a motion was passed by the European Parliamentary Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs requesting that the European Parliament pass a resolution enabling the European Commission to prepare draft legislation on cross-border crisis management in the financial sector. The proposed framework would encompass amongst other things:
The Polish metal tools manufacturer, Bison Bial (Bison), will be able to receive state aid amounting to €8.2m in order to enable the company to carry out a restructuring programme to improve the firm’s economic viability. After Bison entered into financial difficulties, Poland notified the European Commission that it wanted to provide aid to the company. The Commission decided that such aid was compatible with EU state aid rules, provided that the investment programme is fully implemented and the company sells one of its production divisions by the end of 2009.
Due to the economic downturn there has been a rapid growth in debt claims and bankruptcy cases in the Finnish courts. Compared to 2008, almost 40% more bankruptcy proceedings and twice as many debt claims have been started this year.
Just one day before the July 1 deadline for an expected major default by the Government of Puerto Rico, President Barack Obama signed into law the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), a sweeping new law designed to bring stability to the Puerto Rican economy and establish oversight of the Island’s budget and fiscal policies for at least the next five years.