On October 13, 2009, Arclin Canada Ltd./Arclin Canada Ltee. (“Arclin”), who is restructuring under CCAA proceedings and whose American affiliates are restructuring under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, sought the approval of key employee retention program (“KERP”) agreements with its Chief Executive Officer and its Chief Financial Officer, and sought sealing orders with respect of the agreements. The KERP was approved by Justice Hoy. The following are some noteworthy points from this case.
Nortel Networks (“Nortel”) brought a motion seeking approval of the sale of various Nortel assets to Nokia Siemens (“Asset Sale Agreement”), and for approval of a Sale Agreement and Bidding Procedures, advanced by Nortel for the purpose of conducting a “stalking horse” bidding process in respect of its Code Division Multiple Access (“CDMA”) and Long-Term Evolution Access (“LTE”) assets. As of the date of the motion, Nortel had yet to propose a formal plan of compromise or arrangement.
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This expression is particularly apt when it comes to secured creditors and their registrations under the Ontario Personal Property Security Act (the “PPSA”). Although “getting it right the first time” has always been the mantra of secured creditors, the economic roller coaster ride of recent months has heightened the need to ensure a properly perfected secured claim.
The recent economic turmoil has brought to the forefront concerns by licensees as to what happens to their rights to licensed intellectual property upon the bankruptcy of a licensor. Unfortunately, under Canadian law, the answer to that question is not clear.
Distressed preferred shares are an important weapon in the arsenal of a restructuring lawyer. They allow distressed companies to reduce their borrowing costs by restructuring their debt in a way that gives a taxable Canadian resident corporate lender a tax-free return. This means that the lender can accept a dividend rate that is less than the interest rate on the debt it holds and receive the same economic return without losing the priority that came with holding secured debt.
The decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal earlier this year in Slater Steel* exposed 10 directors, officers and employees to possible personal liability of $20 million with no meaningful recourse against the insolvent Slater Steel or its assets. This is a reminder that failure to recognize and fulfill fiduciary obligations for a pension plan can expose you to substantial personal liability.
(BVerfG, Beschluss vom 12.01.2016, Az. 1 BvR 3102/13)
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat sich per Beschluss vom 12. Januar 2016 zu der Frage geäußert, ob der Ausschluss juristischer Personen von der Bestellung als Insolvenzverwalter verfassungsgemäß ist oder nicht. Anlass war die Verfassungsbeschwer- de einer auf Insolvenzverwaltung spezialisierten Gesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten, welche zuvor die Aufnahme auf die Vorauswahlliste für Insolvenzverwalter eines Amtsgerichts vergeblich vor den Zivilgerichten zu erstreiten versucht hatte.
On 23 February 2011, the Federal Government (Bundeskabinett) adopted the government draft (Regierungsentwurf) of an act (Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur weiteren Erleichterung der Sanierung von Unternehmen) that proposes material changes to the German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung). The government's aim is to modify the economic terms for the restructuring of distressed companies .
A main focus of the anticipated reform of the law governing limited liability companies by the draft Act on the Modernization of the Law on Limited Liability Companies and the Prevention of Abuse (generally referred to as the “MoMiG” or “Modernization Act”) is the new set of rules relating to shareholder debt financings.
In the wake of the recent turmoil in the financial markets the German government has agreed on a package of measures to stabilise the financial markets and to avoid adverse effects on the real economy. The draft bill as introduced on 15 October 2008 has been passed already and comes into force as from 18 October 2008.