The Government has passed amendments to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Regulations) to overturn the impact of the decision in Sons of Gwalia v Margaretic (2007) 231 CLR 160 (Sons of Gwalia) and reinstate the longheld convention that creditors’ rights take precedence over shareholders’ rights in the instance of a winding up.
What was the outcome of Sons of Gwalia?
There have recently been a number of significant developments in relation to schemes of arrangement. These include:
- the Federal Court refusing to make orders convening a meeting of CSR’s shareholders to vote on a demerger proposal by way of scheme, on public policy and commercial morality grounds relating to CSR’s potential asbestos liabilities
- the Government’s corporate law advisory body recommending significant reforms to the scheme regime, and
- developments regarding ‘hostile schemes’.
Each of these developments is discussed below.
New ground was broken last December in the British Virgin Islands when what is believed to be the first scheme of arrangement procedure under the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (BCA) was completed.
In the scheme of arrangement Amber Petroleum Ltd (Amber) completed a successful reverse takeover of AIM-listed AfNat Resources Limited (formerly Lithic Metals and Energy Limited) (AfNat) under section 179A of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 (BCA).
This week’s TGIF considers Britax Childcare Pty Ltd, in the matter of Infa Products Pty Ltd v Infa Products Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) [2016] FCA 848 which considers setting aside a DOCA and the administrator’s casting vote.
After complex litigation with Britax, Infa Products lost the case and as a direct consequence, appointed administrators.
Inspired by the American “prepackaged restructuring plan,” the French authorities have yet again decided to reform French insolvency law, with the creation of an “accelerated financial safeguard procedure” (procédure de Sauvegarde Financière Accélérée). This procedure is available to debtors who start conciliation proceedings after 1 March 2011.
On October 11, 2010, the French Parliament adopted a significant amendment to the 2005 French Safeguard Procedure (procedure de sauvegarde), itself heavily inspired by the US Chapter 11 mechanisms. The new legislation introduces into French law summary safeguard proceedings -named "Accelerated Financial Safeguard" (sauvegarde financière accélérée). It grants legal basis to so-called "prepack" restructurings, i.e., out of court arrangements agreed to by a majority of creditors before the debtor files for a Court-driven restructuring.
Although safeguard proceedings have been used successfully as a negotiation tool in a number of high-profile cases (such as the Eurotunnel case), they have represented just 1 per cent of all insolvency proceedings in France since the Business Safeguard Act 2005 introduced the safeguard procedure in January 2006. The main reason for this lack of success is the continuing stigma that is attached to insolvency proceedings in France.
In Grant v Commissioner of Inland Revenue, the Court of Appeal took little time to uphold a High Court decision that a deed of company arrangement (DOCA) under Part 15A of the Companies Act 1993 was void.
At the creditors meeting, the DOCA had been approved by the majority of creditors in number. Nevertheless, this did not constitute 75% of creditors in value. Mr Grant, as chair of a creditors' meeting, purported to exercise a casting vote in favour of the DOCA in order for it to be approved.
The Court of Appeal has affirmed the High Court’s ruling that a voluntary administrator may only use a casting vote where the number of creditors voting for and against the resolution is equal.
The second limb of the test, that the 50% represent at least 75% in value, cannot be the subject of the casting vote. Nor can the casting vote be used to choose between the number and the value.
Introduction and Background