The scheme offers a credible implementation alternative, but no “one size fits all” solution exists for German credits.
German credits in sectors such as real estate, automotive, and energy face a worsening macro backdrop. At the same time, the available toolkit for financial restructurings has expanded, offering multiple options without the need for recourse to insolvency proceedings.
The Law on the Temporary Adaption of Restructuring and Insolvency Law Provisions to Mitigate the Consequences of the Crisis (SanInsKG) was published in the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) today (8 November 2022) and will become effective in German law tomorrow (9 November 2022), following a very quick legislative process.
Purpose of the SanInsKG
SanInsKG is intended to address the difficulty of companies assessing their solvency in the current economic climate.
In brief
Die fundamentalen Spannungen, die der Ukraine-Krieg in den Energiemärkten verursacht, hinterlassen bereits jetzt tiefe Spuren bei Industrie und Privathaushalten. Vor allem bei besonders energieintensiven Industrien und Betrieben zeichnen sich bereits erste Produktionsdrosselungen, Produktionsstopps und sogar Insolvenzen ab. So haben jüngst Hersteller von energieintensiven Produkten wie Dünger, Kohlensäure und AdBlue die Produktion gedrosselt oder gleich ganz eingestellt. Mit Görtz und Hakle mussten zudem bereits zwei Unternehmen wegen steigender Energiekosten Insolvenz anmelden.
While the timing of competing English and German insolvency applications in Re Galapagos allowed for clear determination of jurisdiction under the UK Insolvency Regulation, there remains potential uncertainty as to how similar competing applications made following 31 December 2020 will be resolved in the post-Brexit environment.
Following several insolvency cases of high-flying start-up companies, a helpful recent ruling by the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf (Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf) has specified the requirements for going concern forecasts for start-up companies.
On 13 July 2010 the Federal Ministry of Justice and Finance (Bundesministerien für Justiz und Finanzen) published a discussion draft of an Act for the Restructuring and Orderly Liquidation of Credit Institutions, for the Establishment of a Restructuring Fund for Credit Institutions and for the Extension of the Limitation Period of Corporate Law Management Liability (Restructuring Act) (Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Restrukturierung und geordneten Abwicklung von Kreditinstituten, zur Errichtung eines Restrukturierungsfonds für Kreditinstitute und zur Verlängerung der Verj
As part of the German government’s costs savings package, a change in the German Insolvency Code may be implemented which will grant to the German fiscal authorities a preferred creditor status.
The German Federal Civil Court (BGH) in its decision of 15 April 2010 (IX ZR 188/09) clarified the legal position of holders of preferred stock in insolvency plan proceedings.
The statistics show that over 10,000 English limited companies operate in Germany. The company is registered in the Companies Register in the UK, but has a branch active in Germany, which is registered in German Company registries. On 10 December 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) decided on the question whether the liability of the director of English registered Kornhaas Montage und Dienstleistung Ltd (‘KMD’), which was subjected to German insolvency proceedings, should be determined by English law or by German law.