Impending major reform of German insolvency clawback regime
Following on from our article on “Understanding and managing the risks of an insolvent acquisition” in the Q2 2014 edition of Global Insight, in this third article in our series of risks and opportunities in the fashion retail sector we assess one of the most prominent areas of risk for suppliers - the insolvency of a trade customer/retailer.
Over the last several years, a wide range of healthcare companies, among them hospitals, home health agencies and continuing care facilities, have faced financial distress as a result of declining revenues, high operating costs, reduction in reimbursements rates and increasing competition. Seeking relief, many hospitals and other healthcare companies are commencing chapter 11 cases and selling their assets to third parties in order to shed liabilities and facilitate an orderly transfer of their assets. Fairmont General Hospital, Saint Francis Hospital, Natchez Regional Medical C
Companies of all sizes, new or mature, sometimes go out of business. “California Or Bust” is legendary in American history, but “bust” sometimes happens despite everyone’s best efforts. If you are an officer or director of a company that is heading toward its final days, there is a critical wind-down task: final paychecks. The simple (but widely ignored) fact is that officers and directors can be held personally liable for unpaid wages under federal and state law in certain circumstances, and the entity’s bankruptcy status often has no effect on individual liability.
In August 2021 the Italian government, led by Mario Draghi, enacted a Law Decree (no. 118) to issue “urgent measures to deal with companies’ and entrepreneurs’ crises and subsequent restructuring and other urgent measures for the justice system.” On October 23, 2021, the Law Decree no. 118 was converted into Law no. 147/2021 (Law 147). The new tools introduced by Law 147 have been put in place to deal with entrepreneurs in crises that need an urgent turnaround, including during the ongoing COVID-19 emergency.
Volatile commodity prices in 2020 led to the bankruptcy of many oil and gas producers. While some analysts expect oil and gas prices to rise during 2021, the US Energy Information Administration’s 2021 annual outlook advises that a return to 2019 levels of US energy consumption will take years.[2]
Protecting your business from exposure to supplier and customer insolvency
The risk of unforeseen counterparty customer or supplier financial distress and failure amidst the on-going challenges for businesses from COVID-19 means that pre-emptive legal and operational protections against the risk of heavy financial loss or business disruption from customer/supplier failure are more valuable than ever.
With grimly apposite timing, in June, the Supreme Court gave its decision in Bresco Electrical Services Ltd (in Liquidation) v Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Ltd and turned on its head the construction industry’s understanding of an insolvent company’s right to pursue an adjudication. It will fundamentally affect construction insolvencies.
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill introduces a new standalone moratorium procedure for companies. The moratorium is part of a package of significant legislative reforms contained in the Bill and intended to enhance the UK’s restructuring rescue culture. These were originally consulted on in 2018 and have now been fast-tracked to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is as of yet uncertain, one thing is clear: the global outbreak of COVID-19 has caused − and will likely continue to cause − a precipitous decrease in demand and supply as a result of quarantine orders, business closures, and social distancing, all aimed at flattening the curve of the pandemic. As a result, a dramatic and pronounced economic downturn is predicted as the pandemic’s impact touches virtually all businesses, regardless of geography or industry.