2018-ban indult a magyar fizetésképtelenségi jog reformjával kapcsolatos munka az Igazságügyi Minisztérium irányításával. A 2019. októberében tartott 43. Jogász Vándorgyűlésen dr. Bogdán Tibor kormánybiztos, dr. Bodzási Balázs tanszékvezető (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem), dr. Zsombolyay Péter főosztályvezető (IM) és dr. Fabók Zoltán ügyvéd (DLA Piper Hungary) fejtették ki álláspontjukat a folyamatban lévő kodifikáció egyes kérdéseivel kapcsolatban.
On July 31, 2018 the International Swaps and Derivatives Association published the ISDA 2018 US Resolution Stay Protocol (the US Protocol). The US Protocol is intended to enable parties to ISDA Master Agreements and similar Protocol Covered Agreements (PCAs) to contractually recognize the cross-border application of special resolution regimes applicable to global systemically important entities and their affiliates.
In this article, we provide a broad overview of the US Protocol and relevant resolution stay rules, then describe the effect and operation of the US Protocol.
On July 31, 2018, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association published the ISDA 2018 US Resolution Stay Protocol. The US Protocol is intended to enable parties to ISDA Master Agreements and similar "Protocol Covered Agreements" (collectively, PCAs) to contractually recognize the cross-border application of special resolution regimes applicable to global systemically important entities and their affiliates.
In this alert, we provide a broad overview of the US Protocol and relevant resolution stay rules, then describe the effect and operation of the US Protocol.
Nel quinto appuntamento con lo studio di Francesco Calabria sulla liquidazione dei fondi immobiliari, Francesco illustra gli strumenti di prevenzione e mitigazione delle responsabilità post liquidazione.
Stabilite le modalità con le quali si intende dare attuazione al programma di liquidazione di un FIA, il secondo passaggio fondamentale da effettuarsi a cura della SGR riguarda l’individuazione di appropriati strumenti di prevenzione delle responsabilità patrimoniali che potranno emergere successivamente alla chiusura della procedura di liquidazione.
Long-awaited law reform to bring Australia's insolvency regime into step with many of its trading counterparts is slated to be enacted in the second half of 2017. The text of the law is currently before parliament for debate. If passed, Australia will see:
Hong Kong
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners Summer National Meeting, held on August 24 - 28 in San Diego, produced a number of noteworthy developments related to international, financial, and other regulatory matters. Many of these matters are interconnected on both public policy and technical grounds and involve a mixture of domestic and international political issues.
According to the UK Gift Card & Voucher Association, in 2014 the gift card and voucher market was worth £5.4 billion in the UK and $124 billion in the US.
Gift cards can confer numerous benefits on the retailer, including promotion, working capital and additional profit from up-spend, and are popular with consumers as a method of paying for goods and services in advance of receiving them.
In Quadrant Structured Products Co. v. Vertin, 2015 WL 2062115 (Del. Ch. May 4, 2015), the Delaware Court of Chancery (Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster) announced a bright-line standard governing the threshold inquiry of when a creditor can maintain a derivative suit against directors for breach of fiduciary duty. The court held that a creditor need only establish that the company was balance sheet insolvent at the time the suit was filed and that the creditor’s standing will not be extinguished if the company rides back into solvency during the litigation.
The Commission has published its rating system and an advice note to operators on the requirements to segregate customer funds and disclose to customers the level of protection offered in the event of insolvency.
This ratings category must be included in operator’s terms and conditions by 31 December 2014.