On September 18, 2009, long-awaited amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (“BIA”) and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”) take effect that will have a significant impact on commercial insolvencies in Canada. While many of these changes reflect existing practice and case law, some introduce more novel concepts not developed by courts, broadening what can be accomplished under the insolvency regime. This article comments on salient features of the new amendments.
Summary of Some of the Key Commercial Insolvency Related Amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act
TrustIn Canada (Deputy Attorney General) v. Temple City Housing Inc., the Alberta Court of Appeal had to consider an application for leave to appeal a provision in a Companies Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) (“CCAA”) order granting a DIP lender a charge in priority over the claims of CRA. The claims of CRA consisted of deemed trust claims arising under sections 224(1.2), 227(4) and 227(4.1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).
In Re Intertan Canada Ltd. (2009), WL 181688 (Ont. S.C.J. [Commercial]), 2009 CarswellOnt 324 [Re Intertan], Morawetz J denied the approval of an amended DIP financing agreement under CCAA proceedings which was granted under the Chapter 11 proceedings in the United States.
In Re Farmpure Seeds Inc. (2008 CarswellSask. 639) the Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench considered the proposal of a debtor which was conditional upon the Court approving DIP financing and a super priority charge.
The debtor company had an active business, however became insolvent as a result of rapid expansion and some improvident contracts. The debtor could not meet its immediate obligations such as payroll, and the need to pay its suppliers upon receipt of their seed product. As a result, the debtor could not maintain its business without immediate interim financing.
In Re Temple City Housing Inc.; Minister of National Revenue v. Temple City Housing Inc. 2007 CarswellAlta 1806 (Alta. Q.B.), Temple City Housing Inc. (“Temple”) filed for protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (“CCAA”). The Order sought by Temple contemplated that a Debtor-In-Possession credit facility (“DIP Charge”) would be granted. Temple’s major creditor, Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”), opposed the granting of the DIP Charge, which would create a court ordered priority over the CRA deemed trust claim.
What follows are blackline documents outlining amendments to the BIA, CCAA and WEPP which have been passed by the government, but not yet proclaimed in force. It is hoped that these comparisons will serve as a useful tool in providing a comprehensive understanding of what the legislation will ultimately look like, when the proposed amendments are proclaimed in force.
The Exempted Limited Partnership (Amendment) Law, 2009, which was enacted in March 2009 and is expected to come into effect before the end of April 2009, has made significant changes to the regime for the winding up and dissolution of exempted limited partnerships (“Partnerships”). The opportunity has also been taken to clarify certain other provisions of the Exempted Limited Partnership Law (2007 Revision) (“ELP Law”).
Winding Up and Dissolution
In the wake of the recent turmoil in the financial markets the German government has agreed on a package of measures to stabilise the financial markets and to avoid adverse effects on the real economy. The draft bill as introduced on 15 October 2008 has been passed already and comes into force as from 18 October 2008.
The briefing provides an overview of the reorganisation plan introduced by the new Greek Bankruptcy Code. Its purpose is to set out the more important mechanics of the reorganisation plan and examine its more important ramifications within the bankruptcy process.
The new Greek Bankruptcy Code