A company or group's financial distress causes significant turmoil for its owners, directors, managers, employees and often its suppliers and other creditors. For directors in particular, there are significant responsibilities and potential personal liabilities associated with the management of a company where its business is in financial distress.
The office of the Registrar of Corporate Affairs (the “Registrar”) in the British Virgin Islands (the “BVI”) has responsibility for the incorporation, striking-off and restoration of struck off companies to the register of companies (the “Register”).
Administrative strike off of a British Virgin Islands company
The Registrar may strike a company off the Register for a number of different reasons, including:
On May 11, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a proposed settlement with the operator of a deceptive crowdfunding scheme—Douglas Monahan, who operated iBackPack of Texas—for raising money to develop a high-tech backpack and other products and then failing to deliver any of the products and instead using the funds for himself.
The advertising campaign claimed that the company was working on a backpack that incorporated various technology components, including batteries for charging laptops and cellphones, cables, and a Bluetooth speaker.
The recent outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has had grave effects on people’s life as well as the economy in almost every country in the world, including Vietnam.
Recognizing the negative impacts of the pandemic on the economy, as well as the considerable difficulty of businesses in solving crises arising during this period of time, Apolat Legal publishes the “A legal handbook for businesses the COVID-19 pandemic” to provide a useful legal reference that businesses can apply to solve difficulties during this period.
The concept of winding up does not exclusively apply to insolvent companies. Solvent companies can also be wound up, on the initiation of the company’s directors and shareholders (for example, as part of a corporate reconstruction or to close down non-operating or redundant entities).
An overview of the two key procedures to effect the dissolution of a solvent Australian company, being Members’ Voluntary Liquidation and Deregistration, is set out below.
Antqip Hire highlights the importance of drafting a DOCA carefully, and properly communicating to creditors the commercial risks
The case of Antqip Hire was brought by the liquidators of two related entities (Antqip Pty Limited and Antqip Hire Pty Limited).
Orders were sought determining:
New guarantee facility, extension of ERTE temporary layoff procedures, effects of the crisis on transfer pricing, return to judicial activity and ‘shields’ for businesses.
Am 16. März 2020 beschloss der Bundesrat den Lockdown. Letzteres führte dazu, dass unzählige Unternehmen in einen Liquiditätsengpass gerieten. Um Massenkonkurse abzuwenden, wurde der Rechtsstillstand bis zum 19. April 2020 verordnet. Zudem konnten Kredite zur Überbrückung von Corona-bedingten Engpässen bezogen werden. Trotz oder gerade durch diese Massnahmen gerieten viele Unternehmen in finanzielle Schieflage. Per 20. April 2020 erliess der Bundesrat sodann die sog COVID-19-Verordnung, eine Verordnung über insolvenzrechtliche Massnahmen zur Bewältigung der Coronakrise.
Directors of Australian companies face significant personal monetary -- and potential criminal and adverse professional -- consequences if they allow the company to trade whilst insolvent.
Australian insolvent trading laws are harsher, and more frequently utilised to prosecute directors personally, than in many other jurisdictions including in the US and the UK.
Accordingly, frequent assessment of a company's solvency by its directors is crucial, particularly in financially difficult times, as are active steps to address any potential insolvency.