In Nederland is het, vergeleken met omringende landen, vrij eenvoudig om beslag te leggen. De Wet herziening beslag- en executierecht (de ‘Wet’) beoogt het beslag- en executierecht voor schuldeisers eenvoudiger te maken door de mogelijkheden tot digitaal beslag leggen te verruimen. Ook wordt het beslag- en executierecht efficiënter met als gevolg dat schuldeisers minder kosten hoeven te maken om vorderingen te incasseren. Enig tegenwicht biedt de Wet, uitgebreider dan voorheen, door waarborging van het bestaansminimum van natuurlijke personen met schulden.
New act overning attachments and executions
Centenary Homes Limited (C) was a property development company which acquired two blocks of flats: one in Enfield and the other in Bloomsbury. The Bank of Scotland (BOS) extended secured finance to C for the development of the two properties.
C defaulted on its repayment obligations in 2012 and fixed charge receivers were appointed in March, when the balance outstanding was approximately £4.4 million.
The receivers were able to sell the Enfield flats in July 2012, for £3,250,000.
According to German law, managing directors of limited liability companies are personally liable for payments made despite insolvency. Directors may even be liable when third parties make payments to the insolvent company's current account that has a negative balance because such payment will constitute a payment by the insolvent company to the bank
What is CBILS?
CBILS is a government backed loan scheme to provide financial support to small and medium businesses (SMEs) across the UK that are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The scheme opened on 23 March 2020 and will run for an initial period of 6 months.
The scheme is delivered by accredited commercial lenders, backed by the government-owned British Business Bank (the BBB).
The draft Lex Covid, which amends insolvency and enforcement laws and draft law on certain measures related to repayment of loans in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, has been approved by the Czech Parliament and must now be counter-signed by the President.
The insolvency law-related measures include:
Debtor's delay in payments
Seit dem 1. März 2020 ausgereichte Darlehen unterliegen dank neuer Gesetzgebung Privilegierungen im Hinblick auf insolvenzrechtliche Anfechtungs- und Haftungstatbestände.
Am 27. März 2020 wurde das Gesetz zur vorübergehenden Aussetzung der Insolvenzantragspflicht und zur Begrenzung der Organhaftung bei einer durch die COVID-19-Pandemie bedingten Insolvenz (COVID-19-Insolvenzaussetzungsgesetz – COVInsAG) verkündet. Dieses trat rückwirkend zum 1. März 2020 in Kraft.
Die Hotelindustrie gehört zu den Branchen, die von der Corona-Krise am schwersten getroffen werden. Mitunter geht es um das schlichte Überleben der betroffenen Unternehmen. Wir möchten Ihnen in einem interdisziplinären Webinar einige der drängendsten Fragen beantworten, die Ihnen helfen sollen, durch diese herausfordernde Zeit durchzukommen.
Folgende Themen stehen im Fokus des Webinars:
The lender's dilemma
Lenders who take security over shares in an English company have to decide whether to take either:
- a legal mortgage by becoming registered owner of the shares
- an equitable mortgage or charge with the chargor remaining the registered owner.
A legal mortgage gives the lender the right to vote subject to the terms of the mortgage document and prevents the chargor from disposing of legal title to the shares to a third party, as the lender is the registered owner of the shares.
The German Insolvency Act says an insolvency administrator may sell a "moveable object" on which a right to separate satisfaction (Absonderungsrecht) exists if such object is in his possession. The right to separate satisfaction entitles creditors with such a right to be satisfied ahead of all other creditors from the proceeds of selling a separate pool of assets within the insolvent estate