The farming and agricultural industry has been dealing with financial challenges even before the pandemic. Those who were in financial jeopardy before the shutdown are forced to rely on taking on even more debt now just to survive. Currently, the sum of debt across the farming sector amounts to a staggering $496 billion according to the USDA.
Agricultural economists have long warned of a looming farm crisis. However, for the most part, they have been wrong. In 2021, nationwide Chapter 12 family farmer bankruptcy filings were at second lowest level since Chapter 12 was enacted in 1987. The low level of Chapter 12 filings is all the more surprising given that Congress more than doubled the debt limit for Chapter 12 eligibility (to $10 million) in 2019.
Government Intervention Schemes
Current as of 21 May 2021
Government Intervention Schemes
COVID-19 Government Intervention Schemes 2
Countries around the globe are facing unprecedented and rapid change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This guide provides a summary of key government interventions around the globe in relation to: EU State Aid Approvals (for EMEA region), foreign investment restrictions, debt, equity and taxation.
The Sixth Circuit recently ruled that an agricultural "multi-service finance company" had no claim to the proceeds of produce held in trust pursuant to the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act ("PACA")1 and could not circumvent the security interests of a senior lender. The unpublished decision,2 which relied upon established law in the Ninth, Second, and Third Circuits (among others), serves as a reminder to financers in the agribusiness space--and beyond--of the risks inherent in lending in an uncertain economic environment.
International Trade Compliance (Covering Customs and Other Import Requirements, Export Controls and Sanctions, Trade Remedies, WTO and Anti-Corruption) In This Issue: World Trade Organization (WTO) World Customs Organization (WCO) Other International Matters The Americas - Central America The Americas - North America The Americas - South America Asia-Pacific Europe and Middle East Africa Trade compliance enforcement actions - import, export, IPR, FCPA Newsletters, reports, articles, etc. Webinars, Meetings, Seminars, etc.
Winemakers can run into significant tax problems after transferring their businesses to a company or trust structure. While income tax relief may be available on the transfer of the business assets, many winemakers and their accountants fail to realise that such restructures can eliminate or substantially reduce a winemaker’s entitlement to the Wine Equalisation Tax rebate. For winemakers who are heavily reliant on the WET rebate for profitability and cash flow, overlooking such consequences can be disastrous.
Increasingly, formal restructures, whether solvent or insolvent in nature, are closely aligned to court-supervised processes, adding certainty and transparency to the restructuring process.
Changes in Farm and Agriculture Bankruptcy
In 2019, the Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) and the Family Farmer Relief Act (FFRA) were passed to help American farmers who have seen an increase in financial difficulties. Recently, farms have seen a rise in debt due to market disruptions, poor weather, and lower income. The SBRA and the FFRA were passed in order to increase the ease and accessibility of Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 bankruptcies.
37906 Michel Guay v. Ville de Brownsburg-Chatham, Municipalité Régionale de Comté d’Argenteuil, Josée Davidson (Que.)
Contracts – Formation – Municipal law
National Insolvency Review, February 2017
Most or all creditors who lend to farmers will be familiar with the Farm Debt Mediation Act, S.C. 1997, c. 21 (the “FDMA”) and the need to serve a notice under the FDMA before taking action against a farmer. However, there are some details of how the FDMA operates that may not be as well-known. This piece will highlight some of those details.