Es war eine immer häufi gere Praxis der Gläubiger, grundlose Insolvenzanträge zu stellen, um einen Konkurrenten vom Konkurrenzkampf zu eliminieren. Auf diese reagiert die Novelle des Insolvenzgesetzes, die am 1. November 2012 in Kraft trat.


The Czech Parliament passed an amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 99/1963 Coll., as amended) and the Act on Execution Procedure (Act No. 120/2001 Coll., as amended). Most of the provisions of the new legislation will be effective as of 1 January 2013. The amendment will, among other things, significantly modify the rules on enforcement of claims in the Czech Republic, as it changes some of the existing methods of enforcement under Czech law as well as introducing new ones.


During the current economic downturn the number of insolvency proceedings in the Czech Republic continuously increases. The insolvency legislation plays a key role in insolvency proceedings. Given the tough conditions on the market, we are witnessing higher numbers of bullying insolvency petitions submitted against debtors.


In the last week of January, the Czech Government passed an amendment to the Insolvency Act, which was prepared by the Ministry of Justice. The aim of the amendment is to respond to the growing widespread practice of the filing of unjustified insolvency petitions by creditors. The amendment intends to allow courts to reject such petitions.


Victoria, Samnuggur and Titaghur

The Scottish Court of Session considers the interaction of Indian insolvency proceedings for three Scottish Companies that had also been placed into Administration in Scotland.


The Victoria Jute Company Limited ("Victoria"), The Samnuggur Jute Factory Limited ("Samnuggur") and Titaghur plc ("Titaghur") were all incorporated in Scotland, but had been carrying out their business in India.

Analysts expect that GDP will plummet as a consequence of the restrictions on economic activities imposed as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the global economy, and with it the Czech economy, will slow down considerably. Various entities from across numerous industries are facing, or may soon face, an immediate liquidity shortfall.


In the September, 2006 issue of Insolvency Notes, the effect of the overhaul of the bankruptcy laws in the Czech Republic was discussed. As was the case at that time, the new insolvency laws were to become effective July 1, 2007. It now appears that the effective date will be delayed. The lower house of Czech Parliament gave fast-track approval recently to a bill for delaying implementation of the new bankruptcy act by six months, to January 1, 2008. Senate and presidential approval is still needed.


A Creditor registered his claim into insolvency proceedings against the debtor within 30 days of the  publication of the resolution on the debtor's bankruptcy in the insolvency register. The Creditor´s insolvency application regarding the claim was refused by the insolvency court because the resolution on the debtor´s bankruptcy had been previously published in the file of the debtor’s spouse’s  insolvency proceedings.
