After a delay of more than a year, an act on preventive restructuring (the "Act") implementing the EU directive on preventive restructuring frameworks finally became effective in the Czech Republic on 23 September 2023. The long-awaited Act introduces a brand-new legal tool preventing the insolvency of viable enterprises in temporary financial distress.
What is preventive restructuring and why use it?
After more than two years of delay, preventive restructuring has finally become available to companies in financial difficulties in the Czech Republic. Czech companies can now seek to restructure their troubled businesses outside formal insolvency proceedings with the help of new rules specifically designed to keep their viable business operating and to prevent insolvency.
A proposed amendment to the Insolvency Act, has been approved by the government and is currently under discussion in the Czech Parliament. It is expected to significantly alleviate the situation for debtors seeking debt relief. The previous government had intended to introduce similar changes; however, the legislative process was halted by the end of its term.
Current position
Currently, debtors can achieve debt relief only after 5 years of "good conduct", unless they:
Dlouho očekávaný zákon o preventivní restrukturalizaci čeká na podpis prezidenta a v následujících dnech nabude účinnosti. Nabídne podnikatelům nové nástroje, jak zavčas řešit své finanční potíže a vyhnout se úpadku.
Dne 23. srpna 2023 schválil Senát návrh zákona o preventivní restrukturalizaci, kterým se značným zpožděním dochází k transpozici směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2019/1023 ze dne 20. června 2019 o restrukturalizaci a insolvenci („Zákon“ a „Směrnice“).
A pre-pack insolvency sale, which is an expedited liquidation proceeding that allow for the sale of all or part of a debtor’s business as a going concern to the best bidder shortly after the insolvency proceedings are opened, is not formally regulated in the Czech Republic.
The events in the last few years have had significant and lasting impacts on business in general and restructuring in particular, with the latter referring to the various options available for firms experiencing difficulties. European economies, hit by both the upheavals caused by the health crisis and geopolitical tensions, have also been a
A reworked Czech Republic bill on preventive restructuring could soon be implemented.
Act on preventive restructuring
A draft of a preventive restructuring act is being discussed in the Czech legal environment to implement the EU directive on restructuring and insolvency (directive (EU) 2019/1023). The aim of the new legal regulation is to introduce an out-of-court restructuring model with shorter times to improve operations and the balance sheets of debtors in financial difficulties. Different forms of out-of-court restructuring are common and frequently used in many foreign jurisdictions, e.g. arrangements in England and Wales.
Již delší dobu se v českém právním prostředí diskutuje návrh zákona o preventivní restrukturalizaci, který do českého právního řádu transponuje směrnici o restrukturalizaci a insolvenci. Smyslem právní úpravy je zavedení mimosoudní formy restrukturalizace, což povede ke zkrácení ozdravného procesu dlužníků ve finančních obtížích. Mimosoudní formy restrukturalizace jsou v řadě zahraničních jurisdikcí obvyklé a užívané, např. obdobný proces v Anglii a Walesu (scheme of arrangement).
While the Czech government has not yet enacted the June 2019 EU Directive on restructuring and insolvency, it has proposed another debt relief measure, the Milostivé léto or 'Debt Jubilee'. This will give debtors the opportunity to discharge debts owed to the Czech state.
The measure will provide relief for debts where interest repayments substantially exceed the principal amount. The measure follows on from the previous 'Debt Jubilee' between 28 October 2021 and 28 January 2022 when 42,000 debt enforcement proceedings were cancelled.