
The bill implementing the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive – a means of financial relief for entrepreneurs (companies only) – should have originally been enacted and introduced last year. As the bill has not yet been approved by the Chamber of Deputies, the deadline has been moved to July 2022.

What's new?

The new government has amended the original proposal, drafted by its predecessor.


The Czech Ministry of Justice recently published a bill on preventive restructurings (the "Bill") implementing the directive on preventive restructuring frameworks which will introduce a brand-new legal tool preventing the insolvency of viable enterprises in temporary financial difficulties.

The Bill is now heading to the legislative process and should become effective from July 2022. Although it may still undergo some changes, it is already obvious that it will revolutionise Czech insolvency law.


The amendment to the Business Corporations Act effective from 1 January of this year (the "Amendment") brings, among other things, a significant change in the liability of members of a statutory body, which will affect the current topic of insolvency.

Members of a statutory body may now be liable in the event of insolvency for a much wider range of misconduct than was the case until the end of 2020. And not only them. The Amendment explicitly widens the range of persons to whom the new liability rules will apply.


The most recent amendment to the Act on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives, effective since 1 January 2021, has brought several changes to the liability of managing directors (MDs), which we outline below.

Salary and benefits

The time period within which an MD is obliged to return any salary and benefits received from an insolvent company has been altered.


In spring 2020, the Czech Republic, like the rest of the world, was severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 outbreaks led to drastic shutdowns and reduced operations in almost all sectors of the economy. The loss of income and suspension of payments threatened to lead to the insolvency of thousands of businesses. So in spring 2020 the Czech Parliament approved temporary statutory measures to prevent the collapse of the business sector due to formal insolvency proceedings (the so-called Lex COVID).


On 1 January 2021, an Amendment to the Czech Act on Business Corporations came into effect, which introduced changes in the area of corporate governance. These include changes to the liability of statutory body members in case of corporate insolvency, and changes to the conditions for disqualification of statutory body members from the performance of their office or from serving as shadow directors.

Liability of statutory body members in the event of corporate insolvency


V souvislosti s výskytem epidemie koronaviru a přijatými mimořádnými opatřeními, které měly markantní dopad nejen na podnikatelskou sféru, vyvstala ve společnosti potřeba reagovat na důsledky těchto přijatých opatření, a proto byl přijat zákon č. 191/2020 Sb., o některých opatřeních ke zmírnění dopadů epidemie koronaviru SARS CoV-2 na osoby účastnící se soudního řízení, poškozené, oběti trestných činů a právnické osoby a o změně insolvenčního zákona a občanského soudního řádu (dále jen „zákon“), který nabyl účinnosti dne 24. dubna 2020.


Lockdown, shutdowns, drops in revenue and related negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic faced by companies even still operating and in a healthy state have prompted the Czech government to respond to this situation and implement statutory measures to mitigate such impacts (the so-called LEX COVID), also in the area of insolvency. Most of such measures are only temporary during the extraordinary measures taken by public authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic. LEX COVID, which brings the below-mentioned changes, has already been enacted and came into force on 24 April 2020.


The coronavirus pandemic has made life complicated for almost all businesses, especially from the financial point of view. Businesses thus face an increased risk of bankruptcy and subsequent insolvency proceedings.

To help with this challenging situation, an amendment to the Insolvency Act as part of the "Lex Covid" was adopted. Lex Covid became effective on 24 April 2020.

Initiation of insolvency proceedings

Creditor's right to file an insolvency petition


This quick guide summarises the duties that directors of companies incorporated in the Czech Republic are subject to, and how those duties change when the company is insolvent or at risk of being insolvent.

It also gives an overview of the personal risk to directors when the company is in financial difficulty.
