On October 21, 2008, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission of the PRC (CIRC) issued the Circular on Implementing the Administrative Provisions on the Solvency of Insurance Companies which went into effect on the same day. The Administrative Provisions on the Solvency of Insurance Companies, which the Circular intends to implement, replaced the 2003 Provisions for the Administration of the Insurance Company Solvency Quota and Regulatory Indices (the 2003 Provisions). The 2003 Provisions did not prioritize solvency issues.


On December 29, 2008, the State Administration for Taxation (SAT) and the Ministry of Finance (MOF) jointly promulgated the Circular on Several Deed Tax Policies Concerning Enterprise Reorganization and Restructuring, (Cai Shui (2008) 175, Circular 175). Circular 175 took effect on January 1, 2009, and will be effective through December 31, 2011.  


New tax rules relating to the tax treatment of certain corporate restructuring transactions are expected to be finalized soon by the PRC Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) and the State Administration of Taxation (“SAT”).


Many multinational corporations ("MNCs") are either restructuring or actively considering restructuring their China operations, given the current economic conditions and forecasts. Restructuring efforts often include consolidating legal entities, business units, and operations; closing down operations and factories; and workforce reductions. Implementing such restructuring efforts often raises complicated legal issues, many of which require careful analysis in light of recent legislation and policy considerations.

Consolidating Operations


Throughout the global economic meltdown, the number of bankruptcy cases in China has risen considerably. To shed light on bankruptcy proceedings and stabilize the domestic economy, the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC issued Opinions on Several Issues Regarding the Proper Adjudication of Enterprise Bankruptcy Cases to Provide a Judicial Safeguard for Maintaining Order in the Market Economy on June 12, 2009. The Opinions direct courts at all levels to properly apply the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (EBL) to assist insolvent enterprises, maintain market order, and stabilize the economy.


The pilot measure for mutual recognition and assistance of insolvency proceedings between the courts of three pilot areas in Mainland China and Hong Kong was agreed in mid-2021, which is known as the Cooperation Mechanism.

Since then, liquidators in Hong Kong have had a more certain and structured route to seek, through Hong Kong Court, recognition and assistance from the designated Mainland courts in the three pilot areas including Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xiamen.

Key Takeaways


On August 17, 2023, China Evergrande Group, one of China’s largest real estate developers, and its affiliates filed chapter 15 petitions in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan seeking recognition of foreign restructuring proceedings in the High Court of Hong Kong and in the High Court of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the British Virgin Islands.



美国时间3月10日,加州金融保护与创新部宣布关闭美国硅谷银行(SVB),由联邦存款保险公司接管硅谷银行,原因是流动性不足和资不抵债。值得注意的是,硅谷银行作为服务于美国甚至全球创投圈的专业性银行,其关闭和破产犹如一块巨石在创投圈砸出了巨大的水花,并且波及整个水面。美国著名创投公司Y Combinator CEO将硅谷银行破产事件称为“初创公司的灭绝性事件”。










有时候由于跨境重组中精简结构或者其他商业上的考虑,一些PE基金的主体也需要清盘和注销。无论是由于期限到期清盘,还是由于重组而清盘,大多数开曼PE基金会采用自愿清盘(voluntary liquidation)的方式退出,因此我们在本文中会重点介绍开曼法下豁免有限合伙的自愿清盘,也会对开曼法下的剔除(strike-off)程序在豁免有限合伙场景下的应用进行简单介绍。
