Sultani Decrees
Sultani Decree No. 37/2012
Appoints the new Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Oman, naming Dr Ali bin Mohammed bin Moosa as Deputy Chairman.
Promulgated on 18 June 2012. Effective from 11 June 2012.
Sultani Decree No. 38/2012
Grants Omani citizenship to the named individuals.
Promulgated on 18 June 2012. Effective on promulgation.
Nothing lasts forever – a legal entity may close by choice or circumstance. It is often the case that during liquidation procedures and following settlements with creditors, rights holders are no longer able to manage their trademarks. This article addresses the fate of those trademarks. The liquidation of a legal entity does not automatically result in a transfer of rights and obligations. However, after settlements are made, it is common for the legal entity’s property to be transferred to the founder of that entity that has proprietary or corporate rights.
A non-use court action is routine for the IP court. Every year several hundred cases are considered and granted. Sometimes, however, a cancellation action stumbles at unexpected obstacles.
Intellectual property rights are meant to protect that which cannot be easily protected: ideas, images, music and brands. The creators of these intangible concepts are given an economic monopoly over them, in the hopes of fostering greater creativity and economic growth. Bankruptcy law, on the other hand, seeks to equitably distribute the property of the bankrupt among its creditors, subject to the rights of secured creditors. There is an inherent conflict between the rights of two groups.
- Historical Background
Unlike the United States, Canada was not created by a unilateral declaration of independence from the colonial occupation of England.
美国是世界上最容易开展业务的司法管辖区之一1。监管壁垒总体较低,建立分支机构或业务实体方 便快捷,相比其他多数发达经济体,劳动就业法律对雇主更为友好,并且法律体系发达、透明。然 而,在美国进行投资或设立业务之前,仍有若干准入壁垒及营商挑战需要考虑。 本刊将简要介绍可能限制非美国人进入美国市场或在美国设立业务后开展业务能力的贸易管制问题, 以及对外国投资者而言极其重要的公司、商事、劳动就业、移民、知识产权、反洗钱、反垄断、出 口管制、反腐败、责任、破产等法律及实践。本刊并非综合性指南,仅对投资者需要考虑及与法律 顾问商讨的一些重要问题加以概述。
Since China opened its doors to foreign investors around forty years ago, it has been a top recipient for international direct investments. Despite the gradual slowdown of the country’s overall economic growth, foreign interest in China continues to be strong. After a slight decline in 2016, foreign direct investment increased again by 3% to US$134.97 billion in 2018.
License purchases can be excluded from the insolvency administrator’s right to reject or assume contracts
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Op 20 april jl. oordeelde de Rechtbank Amsterdam dat de reclame hiernaast geen inbreuk maakt op de Benelux merken van winkelketen Blokker en ook geen onrechtmatige daad oplevert.
The Spanish High Court has recently issued a decisión (cassation appeal) confirming that insolvency proceedings are not a valid reason to justify non-use of a trademark. It is the 22nd December ruling (see here).