If 2016 ended with more questions than answers as to how Brexit would take shape, 2017 began with at least a little more clarity.
2017 will see major changes to the UK legal landscape, with Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union expected to be triggered by the end of March 2017 to begin the Brexit process. The legal implications of Brexit will be hugely significant; preparing for their impact will be a substantial challenge across every industry sector. Our Preview of 2017 outlines these implications, as well as identifying other trends and issues we expect to be on the legal agenda this year.
If you would prefer not to receive this service from Addleshaw Goddard, please email: [email protected] TRUSTEE QUARTERLY UPDATE Pensions 1 December 2016 Court holds Bankrupt cannot be forced to draw scheme benefits to pay creditors In its judgment in Horton v Henry the Court of Appeal has held that where a bankrupt member has a right to draw benefits, but has not yet chosen to do so (a) his rights to future benefits under the scheme are not "
Az ENEFI és a román adóhatóság közötti jogvitában az eljáró bíróság előzetes döntéshozatali kérelemmel fordult az Európai Unió Bíróságához, melyben az uniós jog értelmezését kérte a magyarországi fizetésképtelenségi eljárás romániai joghatásával kapcsolatban. Korábbi blogbejegyzésünkben beszámoltunk az ENEFI és a romániai adóhatóság közötti jogvitában 2016.
For more information, please contact the relevant Herbert Smith Freehills partner referred to in the contact list or Simone Pearlman, head of legal knowledge on +44 (0) 20 7466 2021 or email simone. [email protected]. This is a guide to key legal developments in the coming months and years ahead (UK perspective).
The potential impact of Brexit on securitization transactions
Impact of the referendum
Following the vote in the UK referendum on 23 June 2016 to leave the EU, there is some uncertainty as to how this will impact transactions.
June 2016 BREXIT A changing legal landscape? 1 INTRODUCTION Yesterday, the UK public voted for the UK to leave the European Union ( EU). This briefing discusses, in outline, the potential timetable for Brexit, the possible shape that Brexit might take and the potential impact Brexit might have on certain areas of law relevant to your business.
1. IVA. Medidas de modernización en la Unión Europea
El pasado día 7 de abril la Comisión Europea comunicó la presentación de un Plan de Acción para revitalizar el actual sistema de IVA en la Unión Europea (UE), con el objetivo de hacerlo más sencillo, más impermeable al fraude y propicio para las empresas.