As we know, the Federal Government has implemented a package of changes to Australian insolvency and bankruptcy laws to provide relief from the economic impacts of COVID-19.
In relation to the EFL, there have been dire warnings that in the absence of a substantially increased contribution from the Premier League, up to 60 clubs could go out of business. 1 But if a club does enter administration, or still worse liquidation, what claims are available to the players and other employees? The Football Creditor Rule (the “FCR”) The EFL has its own specific rules in place which provide some added protection for players and staff and least in relation to arrears of pay.
Preparation of financial statements and corporate income tax, recommencement of time periods, remote trials, gradual return to workplaces, insolvency proceedings and compliance with criminal law
The bankruptcy trustee of a bank holding company was not entitled to a consolidated corporate tax refund when a bank subsidiary had incurred losses generating the refund, held the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on May 26, 2020. Rodriguez v. FDIC (In re United Western Bancorp, Inc.), 2020 WL 2702425(10th Cir May 26, 2020). On remand from the U.S. Supreme Court, the Tenth Circuit, as directed, applied “Colorado law to resolve” the question of “who owns the federal tax refund.” Id., at *2.
Directors' Duties and Related Matters, in the Context of COVID-19
EMEA UK 27 May 2020
Scope And Purpose of This Note
This note summarises the duties that directors of companies incorporated in England and Wales are subject to.
This note explains those duties, and matters that directors should consider in relation to those duties, in the context of the developing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), commonly known as the "coronavirus" or simply, COVID-19, pandemic.
1. Which financial (not tax or labour) short-term compensation schemes for immediate losses due to social distancing measures have been implemented? For which industries/sizes of business?
Deferred Loan Repayment
Los plazos administrativos se reanudarán el próximo 1 de junio, mientras que los plazos procesales y sustantivos lo harán el 4 de junio, tal y como aparece contemplado en el BOE del 23 de mayo de 2020.
This week’s TGIF considers a recent case where the Federal Court ordered payments made while a DOCA was in force, to which the deed administrators were signatories, were recoverable as unfair preferences.
Key Takeaways
On 20 December 2020, Turkey enacted Presidential Decision No. 3433, which extends the period for applying and making payments vis-à-vis new restructuring regime on receivables contained in the Law on Restructuring of Certain Receivables and Amending Certain Laws No 7256 (“Restructuring Law”), which came into force 17 November last year.
This page was updated on 8 January 2021.