doing business in Canada 2 | doing business in Canada Canada is one of the world’s premier locations for business investment. Boasting an exceptional wealth of natural resources, a sound financial system and world-class infrastructure, Canada is known for innovation in a wide range of sectors. And with generous research and development incentives, low corporate tax rates, and easy access to major U.S. markets, Canada is a top destination for foreign companies seeking a foothold in North America.
- Historical Background
Unlike the United States, Canada was not created by a unilateral declaration of independence from the colonial occupation of England.
In a recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Court rejected a bankrupt music composer’s argument that a security interest the composer had granted in royalty based distributions should be ineffective following his bankruptcy.
The Ward and Anderson families have been involved in the cinema business in Ireland for over sixty years. Several of the families’ principal cinema assets were operated through a jointly–owned company, Dublin Cinema Group Ltd (DCG). Following a number of disagreements over the years, including the bringing of a derivative action for alleged beach of fiduciary duty against one of the company directors, a petition to wind up the company was brought before the Commercial Court in January 2013.
GRATA, - 2020,
GRATA Monthly Summary, January-February 2020, Kyrgyzstan
Table of content:
1 On clarification on the procedure for installing and , using equipment designed to accept payments using bank payment cards or electronic money
2 , On prohibition of activities related to geological
exploration for the purpose of prospecting, exploration
, , and development of uranium and thorium deposits in
the Kyrgyz Republic
3 " On adoption of the Law on the national budget of the
Amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens
The draft amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens (hereinafter – the Law) aim to ensure more effective control of the migration of the aliens that are posing risk, to reduce the threat of their temporary or permanent residency in Lithuania, as well to establish an order for the urgent issuance of residence permits in the Republic of Lithuania.
Įstatymo Dėl užsieniečių teisinės padėties pakeitimai
Įstatymo Dėl užsieniečių teisinės padėties (toliau tekste – „Įstatymas“) pakeitimo projektu siekiama užtikrinti veiksmingesnę riziką keliančių užsieniečių migracijos kontrolę, mažinti tokių asmenų laikino ar nuolatinio apsigyvenimo Lietuvoje grėsmę, taip pat įtvirtinti leidimų gyventi Lietuvoje išdavimo skubos tvarka institutą.
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Op 20 april jl. oordeelde de Rechtbank Amsterdam dat de reclame hiernaast geen inbreuk maakt op de Benelux merken van winkelketen Blokker en ook geen onrechtmatige daad oplevert.