Many charities and associations have cash flow challenges, particularly in the current economic situation. They usually budget to break even financially. If some funding does not materialize as expected, they may be forced to close down. Their directors may be at financial risk as a result.
Mercedes Benz Financial v. Ivica Kovacevic (Ont. SCJ)
February 26, 2009: Finding of contempt of Court: [2009] O.J. No. 783
March 3, 2009: Sentencing hearing and order of five days in jail [2009] O.J. No. 888
Mr. Kovacevic (the “Debtor”) entered into a conditional sale contract to finance a Mercedes vehicle with
Mercedes Benz Financial. After seven of forty-eight payments, he defaulted in payment. He refused to pay or return the vehicle.
In the early nineties, Quebec adopted new personal property legislation under the reform of the Civil Code of Quebec (the "CCQ"). However, the CCQ incorporated language and legislation from Quebec's former personal property regime. This combination of old and new legislation has, in some cases, left remnants of formalism surrounding the creation of certain types of hypothecs (security interests). In Positron Technologies Inc.
In Warren v. Warren the British Columbia Supreme Court recently appointed an equitable receiver over the assets of a judgment to debtor, notwithstanding that the Plaintiff did not have any security.
On 27 August 2006, the PRC National People’s Congress passed a new Enterprise Insolvency Law (the “Law”) after more than a decade’s preparation and debate. The Law, which will become effective on 1 June 2007, introduces a formal insolvency process applying to a wide range of legal entities. The Law only contains general principles which in practice are unlikely to provide sufficient protection to creditors’ interests.
Scope of application
Many multinational corporations ("MNCs") are either restructuring or actively considering restructuring their China operations, given the current economic conditions and forecasts. Restructuring efforts often include consolidating legal entities, business units, and operations; closing down operations and factories; and workforce reductions. Implementing such restructuring efforts often raises complicated legal issues, many of which require careful analysis in light of recent legislation and policy considerations.
Consolidating Operations
The Financial Operations and Pre-Bankruptcy Settlement Act
Introduction The purpose of this note is to provide an update on the current position regarding the capital controls and restrictions as currently applicable in Cyprus.
German Insolvency Law
an overview.
The insolvency challenge rights give the insolvency administrator, under certain prerequisites, access to assets which the debtor disposed of to the detriment of the creditors prior to the filing for insolvency, thus increasing the insolvency estate.