Die enormen wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der weltweiten COVID-19-Pandemie haben die deutsche Wirtschaft in vielen Bereichen massiv getroffen. Für viele Branchen hat sich das Geschäftsklima erheblich verschlechtert. Geschäfte bleiben geschlossen, Lieferketten brechen ab, Reisen sind nur sehr eingeschränkt möglich, Umsätze sind deutlich zurückgegangen und Unternehmen müssen Kurzarbeit oder Zwangsurlaubeinführen, um laufende Kosten zu senken.
Germany's new restructuring regime is expected to come into force 0n 1 January 2021. At the heart of the new regulation is the introduction of a so-called stabilization and restructuring framework (“SRF”) for companies. In a sea change to the traditional approach, the SRF enables a company to be restructured before insolvency proceedings have to be initiated. It is therefore expected that this new regime will have a major impact on German restructuring practice.
Introduction of a Preventive Restructuring Framework
Real Estate Quarterly
Summer 2020
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In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the Russian Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" (the "Bankruptcy Law") has been amended to allow the Russian Government to introduce a moratorium on filing of insolvency claims.
Hogan Lovells Publications | 27 March 2020
Coronavirus FAQ: Key legal considerations for Russia
Moscow authorities strongly encourage employers to introduce remote working (work from home) regime where possible. Please make sure you carefully document the new working regime in the addenda to the employment contract or have special internal policy governing this.
The Hogan Lovells’ Corporate Insurance Newsletter for January 2020 has been published. This provides a round-up of UK, EU and international regulatory developments relevant to UK based insurance market participants. In this issue, amongst other items, we cover:
The Preventive Restructuring Frameworks Directive (EU) 2019/1023 is finally in force. Following its implementation into EU member states’ national law, the directive will hopefully prove an effective tool for Europe’s restructuring practitioners, just as the continent’s economic outlook darkens.
Human resources practitioners are often called upon to advise and lead employee consultation in a business restructure. Sometimes, a legal review of the statutory consultation notice issued under section 189(3) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (the LRA) is also undertaken.
Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings (recast) (the “Recast Insolvency Regulation“) applies to insolvency proceedings opened after 26 June 2017. Ordinance of 2 November 2017 (the “Ordinance“) amended the French Code de commerce to reflect the Recast Insolvency Regulation by inserting a new Title IX into Book VI.
Judicial remedies against the opening of main insolvency proceedings
Dead Horses
When is a dead horse really a dead horse? Given that ‘insolvency’ opens the door to various procedures for creditors and others, it should (in theory) be fairly easy to define. In practice, however, it is not.