The third of a series on ‘the perfect restructuring’ in an employment law context, this article provides recommendations from a German perspective for conducting negotiations with the works council to reach a balance of interests agreement prior to and during the conciliation board phase of a restructuring.
By: Markus Janko
Firm: KLIEMT.HR Lawyers
Within German contract law, the principle of being bound by a contract (pacta sunt servanda), i.e. the obligation to fulfill agreements, applies. In case of the insolvency of one of the contractual parties, however, exceptions are made. Upon the opening of the insolvency proceedings, the principle of being bound by a contract is modified.
Im deutschen Vertragsrecht gilt das Prinzip der Vertragstreue (pacta sunt servanda), welches die Verpflichtung zur Erfüllung von Verträgen zum Gegenstand hat. Hiervon werden im Falle der Insolvenz einer Vertragspartei Ausnahmen gemacht. Mit Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens wird das Prinzip der Vertragstreue modifiziert.
The German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) has taken the opportunity to clarify its position on section 17(2) German Insolvency Act (Insolvenzordnung, InsO). According to sec. 17(2) a debtor is deemed insolvent if he is unable to pay his debts as they fall due (Zahlungsunfähigkeit).
Für die Einordnung des Nachteilsausgleichs als Masseverbindlichkeit oder als Insolvenzforderung ist der Zeitpunkt der Durchführung der Betriebsänderung entscheidend.
On 21 April 2018, new rules regarding the handling of “group” insolvency proceedings of companies in Germany become effective.
The regulations aim at better coordination between separate insolvency proceedings which must be implemented for every company within a group under German insolvency rulings. Up to now, coordination was quite difficult, due to separate responsibilities of different courts and insolvency administrators.
Bundesgesetz Nr. 286-FZ vom 30. September 2017 über die Einführung von Änderungen des zweiten Teils des Steuergesetzbuches und einiger Gesetzgebungsakte der Russischen Föderation
In cases where upstream or cross-stream securities are granted by a German limited liability company (”GmbH“), the German capital maintenance rules need to be considered. Under these rules assets that are required for the maintenance of GmbH’s registered share capital may not be paid out to the shareholders. This payout prohibition concerns not only payments, but also granting of securities in favour of loans granted to the shareholders. The managing directors of a GmbH are personally liable for payouts made in violation of these rules.
Under German law, there are strict legal obligations for the managing directors of an insolvent company to file for insolvency. Failure to comply exposes a managing director to civil and criminal liability. It is therefore important for managing directors to know how to test whether their company is insolvent. One of the legal reasons for insolvency is illiquidity and the second senate of the German Federal Civil Court (“BGH”) has, in a decision dated 19 December 2017 (II ZR 88/16), clarified a question regarding the illiquidity test.
Ein Insolvenzverwalter kann sich nach Anzeige der Masseunzulänglichkeit nicht auf die Wirksamkeit einer bereits ausgesprochenen Kündigung verlassen und das Ergebnis des Kündigungsschutzprozesses abwarten, sondern muss erneut kündigen, um die Entstehung von weiteren Ansprüchen des Arbeitnehmers als Neumasseverbindlichkeiten gemäß § 209 Abs. 2 Nr.