La CNMV ha publicado un documento con “preguntas y respuestas” que pretende servir de ayuda en la interpretación por las sociedades cotizadas del régimen de operaciones vinculadas tras la reforma introducida por la Ley 5/2021 para la incorporación de la Directiva sobre derechos de los accionistas en las sociedades cotizadas. A continuación, se incluye un resumen de los criterios interpretativos ofrecidos por el organismo supervisor.
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Artículos de fondo
The latest edition of our bulletin, edited by our colleagues in Australia.
Welcome to the first edition of our Commodities bulletin for 2022.
1. 2021 年を振り返って 2021 年に中国で最も注目を浴びた立法は「個人情報保護法」でした。また「データ安全法」も公布・施行されており、2017 年施行 の「ネットワーク安全法」と併せてデータ三法が出揃ったことになります。本稿でも紙数を割いて、それらの概要を紹介します。 そのほかにも、会社法、外商投資関連、環境法、破産法、各種取引法、知的財産、労働法、競争法等の各分野における重要な 立法や法改正が幾つもなされました。本稿では、2021 年における重要な立法や法改正を 2 回に分けて解説します。今回は、個人 情報保護法等を含むネットワーク情報関係、会社法分野、外商投資分野、環境法分野、破産法分野の重要立法等を取り上げま す。 2. ネットワーク情報関係 (1) 「中華人民共和国個人情報保護法」(国家主席令 91 号、2021 年 8 月 20 日公布、同年 11 月 1 日施行) ① データ三法に関する全体像 何度かの草案や意見募集を経て、ついに中国における個人情報保護法である中華人民共和国個人情報保護法(以下「個 人情報保護法」といいます。)が制定されました。これまで消費者権益保護法(2013 年改正)、権利侵害責任法(2010 年)といっ た個別法で規定されていた個人の情報保護について規定された点が最大の眼目といえます。
The legal market in Scotland has changed over the last year, although perhaps not to the extent that anyone would have predicted. Firms have, in general terms, coped well with remote working and are beginning to cope well with hybrid working too. Traditional streams of work have been maintained and while some practice areas, such as insolvency and restructuring, have been quieter than anticipated, that has not had a significant impact on the bottom line. So, what can we expect in 2022?
1. Insolvencies will rise – even if we don’t experience the “tsunami”
The offshore industry is thriving but ESG is adding new priorities both to transactions and to the way firms are being run, according to a new report by Reports Legal featuring Ogier's global managing partner Edward Mackereth.
With record deal activity across service lines this year, Ogier has been busier than ever in the past 12 months.
"Corporate has had a stellar year with all the M&A transactions and SPACs," said Edward.
The Australian Sawmilling Co Pty Ltd (in liq) v Environment Protection Authority [2021] VSCA 294
The Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision in The Australian Sawmilling Co Pty Ltd (in liq) v Environment Protection Authority [2021] VSCA 294 casts significant doubt on liquidators’ capacity to rely upon section 568 of the Corporations Act to disclaim environmental liabilities, despite the absence of any involvement of the liquidator in the creation of those liabilities.
Each week, Crowell & Moring’s State Attorneys General team highlights significant actions that State AGs have taken. Here are this week’s updates.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Climate change is centre stage and our use of land and its effect on the climate are intertwined.
Land is a precious resource. "Buy land, they're not making make it anymore" - in these seven words, Mark Twain captures the mood of a nation. Land is a safe economic resource, until it is not. I am not sure if Mark Twain would have taken the same view with regard to contaminated land and to paraphrase Mr Orwell, "all [contaminated land] is born equal, but some [is] more equal than others".
Victoria's Court of Appeal has reaffirmed the risk that a disclaimer of property may be set aside where the liquidators are indemnified, and the need for liquidators to be mindful where the company holds contaminated property.
Newsletter Empresa Familiar
Noviembre 2021
Newsletter Empresa Familiar
Noviembre 2021
1.1 El letrado asesor, figura jurdica olvidada pero obligatoria
1.2 Nuevos derechos para las personas con discapacidad y su incidencia en la empresa familiar
1.3 Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio de los no residentes en Espaa: cuestiones clave a tener en cuenta
1.4 Qu son los criterios ESG y por qu la empresa familiar debe integrarlos en su gestin?
2.1 Mercantil y civil