Selon Paul Chollet, économiste de Crédit Mutuel Arkea 2024 sera "une année noire" avec un record de défaillances d’entreprises en France. Cela fait maintenant 3 ans que les économistes prédisent un ras-de-marrée de défaillances. Cela étant, avec près de 49.000 de défaillances en France sur 12 mois glissants, il y a une tendance à un retour aux chiffres de 2019.
Il est donc indispensable de rappeler que des procédures de prévention (mandat ad hoc et la conciliation) sont là pour traiter les difficultés en amont de la défaillance.
The question of whether a British Virgin Islands Court can order the examination of foreign persons in the liquidation of BVI companies has been the subject of two recent conflicting decisions of the Commercial Division of the High Court. As such, the answer to the question is likely to remain uncertain until it has been resolved by the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal.
The Statutory Framework
Section 284 of the Insolvency Act, 2003 provides that:
On 15 November 2023, the Temporary Transparency of Expedited Liquidation Act enters into force, initially for a period of two years. Expedited liquidation (also known as 'turboliquidation') concerns the dissolution of a legal entity with no assets, at its own initiative. The temporary Act aims to increase transparency in the case of an expedited liquidation and to improve the protection of creditors.
What is a Deed of Company Arrangement?
A Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) is a formal framework for a company in voluntary administration to restructure its affairs, repay its debts, and potentially continue operations, offering an alternative to immediate liquidation.
What is the purpose of a Deed of Company Arrangement?
The purpose of a DOCA is to:
Der BGH festigt und erweitert seine Rechtsprechung zum Kleinbeteiligtenprivileg im Kontext der insolvenzrechtlichen Anfechtung nach § 135 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 InsO.
众所周知,近年来全球经济形势在新冠疫情的阴影下日趋严峻,各行各业均受到了不同程度的负面影响。这种影响传导至PE/VC行业,就演变成“退出难” 问题。被投企业无法上市、业绩低迷、没人接盘……不得已,投资机构们开始打起了“清算”的主意,趁着投资本金还没亏完,能捞回来一点是一点。于是,机构们纷纷向被投企业主张“优先清算权”。关于优先清算权的法律效力,此前的主流观点曾认为《公司法》第186条第二款并不允许有限责任公司自由约定清算剩余财产分配事项,但随着《民法典》的立法进程以及颁布、实施,近年来的司法判例却大多认为《公司法》第186条第二款并非效力性强制性规定,因而支持优先清算权的法律效力。本文拟对几个典型判例进行介绍,以此给PE/VC行业人士提供有益参考。
如系争投资协议项下的“优先清算权”条款约定目标公司在分别支付法定的优于股东之间分配的款项后,部分股东优先于其他股东取得优先分配的,则该股 东内部对于分配顺序进行的约定并不违反《公司法》规定。
In vielen Branchen kann die Lieferkette eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen und Jurisdiktionen umfassen. Im derzeitigen Wirtschaftsklima ist es nicht ungewöhnlich, dass einzelne Lieferanten innerhalb dieser Lieferkette in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten oder ein Insolvenzverfahren beantragen.
In many industries, the supply chain can involve multiple suppliers and jurisdictions. In the current economic climate, it is not unusual for a supplier within the supply chain to encounter financial distress or even to enter into formal insolvency proceedings. This can have a significant impact on a company if its business depends on a distressed supplier and an alternative or additional supplier cannot be found (and production cannot be brought in house) or an alternative sourcing is not possible for other reasons, like part/raw material approval process, testing, customs etc.
Companies are under increasing pressure to examine their ESG policies, particularly after the recent COP26 conference. The UK's commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 has intensified the ESG focus.
What is ESG?
ESG, or Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, is a term used to describe a set of standards that measures a business' environmental and social impact.
Why is ESG important in a distressed restructuring?
有时候由于跨境重组中精简结构或者其他商业上的考虑,一些PE基金的主体也需要清盘和注销。无论是由于期限到期清盘,还是由于重组而清盘,大多数开曼PE基金会采用自愿清盘(voluntary liquidation)的方式退出,因此我们在本文中会重点介绍开曼法下豁免有限合伙的自愿清盘,也会对开曼法下的剔除(strike-off)程序在豁免有限合伙场景下的应用进行简单介绍。