Deutsches Recht: Blick zurück 2016
Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht
Year in Review - German Law in 2016
Corporate and Commercial
Amendment to the Stock Corporation Act: The Amendment to the Stock Corporation Act 2016 (Aktien-rechtsnovelle 2016) introduced, among other things, the option to issue preference shares without subsequent payment, an extended conversion right for convertible bonds, a limitation of the issue of bearer shares for non-listed companies and new provisions on the due dates of dividend payments.
This article was authored by Dr. Guido Zeppenfeld.
Restructuring through a transition company: a helpful instrument in challenging situations
OLG Naumburg verneint Haftung der Organe eines insolventen Zeitarbeitsunternehmens gegenüber den Einzugsstellen.
Bislang ist von der Rechtsprechung nicht abschließend geklärt, ob eine persönliche Haftung der Organe eines Zeitarbeitsunternehmens wie der Geschäftsführung gegenüber den Einzugsstellen in Betracht kommt.
The German FCJ (IX ZR 143/13, 17 December 2015) relates to the requirements and effects of a settlement between an insolvency administrator and the personally liable partners of an insolvent partnership.
In a decision of 9 June 2016, the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, "BGH") has ruled that the determination of the close-out amount in a netting provision based on the German Master Agreement for Financial Derivatives Transactions (Rahmenvertrag für Finanztermingeschäfte or DRV) is not legally effective in the event of insolvency to the extent that it deviates from section 104 of the German Insolvency Code.
This post addresses the question of how retention of title (“ROT”) provisions are effectively agreed to as part of the contractual relationship between a supplier and its German customer under German law.
Banking & Finance Aktuelle Informationen des Geschäftsbereichs Banking & Finance News from the Banking & Finance practice Juli/July 2015 4 | Editorial Fokus 6 | BaFin erlaubt regulierten Fonds die direkte Kreditvergabe 8 | Immer wieder Restrukturierung von Anleihen 10 | Zur Verwertung von mit fremden Marken gekennzeichnetem Sicherungsgut durch den Sicherungsnehmer und der Bedeutung des markenrechtlichen Erschöpfungsgrundsatzes, §24 Abs.
A German insolvency administrator represented by Taylor Wessing claims back fees amounting to € 4.5 million from a leading German law firm paid by the insolvent company for restructuring advice. The claim is based on German rescission law.